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International Business

Submit your full online application for Fall Intake 2025 by February 15, 2025 and recieve a EUR 1,000 discount on the first semester rate.

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Master International Business (M.A.)

Do you feel at home all around the world? Would you like to pursue a truly international career? If so, the master’s program in International Business at MBS is the right choice for you! Not only will you further your understanding of economic fundamentals, you will also determine the focus of your studies, thereby developing expertise in various fields and refining your professional profile. The integrated semester abroad will prepare you for professional and leadership duties in international business. And, if you feel you would benefit from more international experience, you can add a second semester abroad and gain two specialist master’s degrees in two years – leaving nothing standing in the way of your international career!

Your Master International Business at MBS

Business Project: Together with your fellow students, you will carry out a project on behalf of a real company and apply your acquired knowledge in practice.

International Focus: You choose one international focus per semester, exploring different markets and methodologies as well as specific economic areas whose development influences the global economy.

Discover the special dynamics of our Masters International Business in the spring semester! Here's an overview of the key differences that set our spring start apart from our established fall semester:

  • Four relevant Focuses: The Master International Business starts in spring with concentrations in Corporate Finance, International Marketing, Sustainable Business, and Innovation & Digital Business.
  • Varied course of study: experience a unique schedule in our Spring Intake: 1st semester at MBS, followed by the exciting 2nd semester abroad, and finally the 3rd semester back at MBS. Module overview in the spring semester.
  • Accelerated preparation for the semester abroad: Your preparation time for the semester abroad is focused on the essentials. Find out about our diverse partner universities in time and secure your place!
  • Scholarship Highlights: Our scholarships are valid for the 1st and 3rd semesters, giving you financial support during the crucial stages of your master's studies.
Secure your study place!

Key Facts
Master International Business

February & September
Duration Single Degree
18 months
Duration Dual Degree
24 months
Up to EUR 4,000 funding
In german or english
Final Degree
Master of Arts (M.A.)

"In the International Business master's program, we train students to become responsible specialists with outstanding personal, professional and international skills. In addition to the high level of practical relevance, the unique aspect of the master's program is it international orientation. In the Dual Degree program, students can spend two semesters abroad instead of the usual one, which serves as the best possible preparation for a future in international management."

Prof. Dr. Christian Schmidkonz, Academic Director Master International Business


Besides the imparting of general business knowledge, MBS also offers specific concentrations in order to guarantee sufficient practical relevance of your studies. In each of the first two semesters, you will choose two of five or seven different concentrations. In this way, you get the opportunity to improve your individual competencies and prepare your future career.

Sustainable Business


In the Sustainable Business concentration, you will learn how sustainable business and value-based management can be implemented in companies. You will be specifically prepared for all topics related to the circular economy and sustainable design, preparing you for one of the most important topics of the future.

Teaching and Learning Methods

  • Interactive lectures and group discussions
  • Case studies and workshops
  • Guest lecturers from the industry

Potential Future Business Area

  • Consultant for sustainable corporate development
  • Sustainability Manager

International Marketing


As one of the classic business areas of activity, marketing deals with a company's distributive trade. With the business concentration International Marketing, in addition to the necessary methods and tools, the overall and internationally based approaches in the sense of market oriented business management are communicated using hands-on problems from the industry.

Teaching and Learning Methods

  • Interactive lectures, goup works, and case studies
  • Topics are intensively discussed and reflected in international context

Potential Future Business Area

  • Product manager, marketing or sales manager, associate in the marketing and sales of the business, associate at a management consulting firm or the activity of an independent marketing consultant

Corporate Finance


In an ever more globalized financial world, international companies and financial institutions are increasingly searching for qualified employees who can contribute their knowledge in the fields of controlling, corporate finance, and asset management. The goal of this business concentration is therefore to familiarize you with the methods, tools, and instruments of the financial world of the 21st century und and to optimally prepare you for tasks and managerial functions in the financial field.

Teaching and Learning Methods

  • Interactive lectures focusing on discussion and exercises
  • Practice in small groups, group workshops, and case studies
  • Guest lectures from the industry

Potential Future Business Areas

Specialist and management in controlling, financial management, internal audit with companies in all fields; occupations as auditor and audit manager with accounting firms, consultant and project lead with management consulting firms or as a specialist with tax counsellors; after a few years of work experience, you may take the exam as tax adviser and/or chartered accountant.

Luxury Management


Successful managing and marketing of products and services in the luxury segment requires a proper understanding of the corresponding markets in general, the customers, and the challenges that the luxury industry is facing. Historical and sociological issues provide access to the topic of luxury just as well as observations from the fields of philosophy, economy, ecology, and psychology.

Having completed the courses in the concentration Luxury Management, you will have a thorough understanding of the most relevant strategic (marketing) challenges in the luxury industry. Furthermore, you will have generated experiences how to address the challenges and how to manage and market luxury brands as well as to build a network to companies/managers within the industry.

Teaching and Learning Methods

  • Seminar-type lectures, case studies and presentations
  • Guest lecturers from the industry
  • On-site company visits

Potential Future Business Areas

All divisions in a company dealing with the development and marketing of luxury goods and premium products.

Global Family Business and Wealth Management


International Family Firms is training the next generation of entrepreneurs for national and international multi-generational family businesses. Through this concentration, MBS wants to support all those who want to assume responsibility in corporate succession now. Family businesses often face complex challenges between the conflicting priorities of family and business, technological progress, and international competition. The International Family Firms concentration provides soon-to-be entrepreneurs with the necessary tools in order to lead their family business into a successful future.

Teaching and Learning Methods

  • Interactive lectures and group discussions
  • Case studies and workshops
  • Guest lecturers from the industry

Potential Future Business Areas

Management positions in family firms, company succession, development of family wealth.

Innovation & Digital Business


The business concentration Innovation & Digital Business perfectly prepares you to the requirements of the digital business economy. During the course, experienced experts from science as well as from corporate practice impart fundamental knowledge on digital business models and the backgrounds of highly topical key technologies. In interactive lectures, you will gain insights into the key concepts of innovation and change management within companies. You will build methodical knowledge and soft skills and acquire the tools and instruments for planning and influencing innovation processes.

Teaching and Learning Methods

  • Interactive lectures and group discussions
  • Case studies and workshops
  • Guest lecturers from the industry

Potential Future Business Areas

  • Strategic planner in research & development; interface/project manager at marketing and R&D departments; product manager; innovation and/or change manager.

International Entrepreneurship


The business concentration International Entrepreneurship prepares you for the complete array of topics regarding the formation of a new company and bringing an innovation to market. The scope extends from finding an initial idea and the development of the business model through looking for investors and pitching the concept to founding and building a new company.

Teaching and Learning Methods

  • Seminar-type lectures and group work
  • Hands-on prototyping workshops and case study workshops for testing market work
  • Supervisory coaching of the founding teams
  • Presentations

Potential Future Business Areas

Management positions in a start-up company; company owner; self-employment.

Business Projects

In the Business Project, which lasts two semesters, you work with other students on specific projects on behalf of a company. These live cases are as varied as the companies that provide them: A start-up needs a market entry strategy for a new target country, the hidden champion from the Bavarian region needs ideas for a brand awareness campaign. Within the framework of this project, you will apply and deepen your acquired business knowledge in a small group. All groups receive coaching from an MBS professor throughout the entire project duration. It is not uncommon for business projects to result in concrete and directly on-site, first job opportunities for the respective student groups, because the region around Munich is one of the strongest economic regions in Germany – just one of the many advantages of studying business administration in Munich.

Examples of partner companies for business projects

Master Study Program in Numbers

Business Concentrations

International Partner Universities

Student to Faculty Ratio

Business Hotspot Munich

Age range

57 %
International Students

What our students and alumni say about us

Johanna von Eben-Worlée
Johanna von Eben-Worlée

I was impressed by the intercultural experiences, practical relevance and the opportunity to network during my Master’s studies at MBS.

The program’s content and the people I met continue to support me to this day, both professionally and privately. Above all, the range of partner universities for semesters abroad and dual degrees is exceptional – for example, I was able to gain valuable, fascinating experiences in Shanghai at one of the best universities in China.

Bernhard Franz
Bernhard Franz

My Master’s in IB at MBS helped me to develop in many respects. I acquired both business expertise and practical knowledge.

MBS teaches students to adopt a purposeful approach in order to generate value for customers. It fundamentally changes my approach to business life and the direction of my professional career.

Kirti Mudgil
Kirti Mudgil

For me, MBS was like a home from home. Not only does it offer an open environment in which you can learn alongside people from different cultures, it also enables you to launch a promising business career.

From the orientation days through to my graduation and beyond, I was always able to rely on support from the professors and staff. The various events and careers programs were a highlight of my studies. I’m pleased and proud to be part of the MBS family.

Julia Lemberskiy
Julia Lemberskiy

The numerous practical projects, the renowned teaching staff, the knowledge I gained during my Master’s studies at MBS and my time at Stanford University helped me to advance my business career.

After graduating, I introduced and scaled new business segments around the world for Rocket Internet and Uber. I’m now the founder and managing director of a successful start-up, helping companies to scale their business processes and growth channels.

Ryan Stodden
Ryan Stodden

MBS offers an intercultural environment that is truly unique.

Not only do you encounter students and teaching staff from around the world, which allows you to build an international network, you also have the opportunity to collaborate on projects and find solutions together.

Anastacia Nosikova
Anastacia Nosikova

Many of the professors and teaching staff at MBS work at well-known companies or have a business of their own and a wealth of practical professional experience.

This naturally opens students up to numerous possibilities: on the one hand, the teaching staff share their knowledge, which allows you to gain a more accurate view of the theory; on the other hand, MBS has numerous corporate contacts that enable students to acquire insights into companies.

Ana Mestrovic
Ana Mestrovic

When it came to my Master’s studies, I was looking for a city that offered excellent job opportunities.

After some research, I came to the conclusion that Munich and MBS was the perfect choice. During my studies, I met a lot of people who became friends for life. I personally found my time at MBS was a wonderful experience.

Iuliia Tretiak
Iuliia Tretiak

I opted for MBS because it offers a wide range of courses and the opportunity to secure a dual degree.

I was able to further my education here, gain international experience and built a solid network for myself. What’s more, MBS is characterized by a very special community spirit.


Core Modules

In the Core Modules of the Master Programs you will acquire general business management knowledge. In courses on international management, business communication, responsible leadership and your freely chosen international focus, you will gain an understanding of economic interrelationships in a multicultural and globalized world and learn to consider and correctly interpret social and cultural aspects in your future business decisions. The promotion of a critical approach to various topics is just as important as learning practical methods and models. 

In order to be able to act entrepreneurially with foresight, the Core Modules have an interdisciplinary structure. You will work on joint projects with students from the other Master's programs and exchange ideas and experiences, thereby broadening your range of experience and your toolbox with approaches and perspectives in the fields of Sports Business, International Business or Innovation and Entrepreneurship, for example.


By completing the Electives, your personal elective courses, you round off your profile and set further individual accents. You can choose from a varied pool of events and, for example, take courses on International Business Law, Communication Management or "Success Factor Happiness" or work on an individual research project.

Course of Studies Master International Business (Fall Start)

Semester 1


Concentration Modules (Choose 2)

The concentration modules allow students to dive deep into specific fields of international business. In the first semester, students enroll in 2 out of 5 additional courses.

International Entrepreneurship: Identifying and Generating a Business Idea

  • Develop a business idea using different decision-making approaches and begin to prototype the idea.
  • Study different types of entrepreneurship, creativity techniques, and entrepreneurial decision-making approaches.

Innovation and Digital Business

  • Learn how to develop smart solutions based on the latest technologies and successfully launch them on the market.
  • Recognize the potential of digital-based innovations and translate this into new business models.

International Family Firms: Understanding and Managing Family Businesses

  • Develop an understanding of key concepts and key tools for balancing family and business aspects over time.
  • Work on a case study analyzing a real-life family to apply the concepts studied and design an approach for implementation.

Foundations of Sustainable Business

  • Get to know the ecological, social and economic components of sustainability and understand their effects and challenges.
  • Understand which tools and techniques are used in sustainability management.

Corporate Finance

  • Learn the basics of financial derivatives on interest rates and how to assess their effectiveness and values.
  • Gain insights to core issues of international financial business management with a focus on hedging interest rate risks.

International Service Marketing

  • Learn how to design, implement and monitor the relevant marketing and management strategies in a service context.
  • Participate in a digitalization workshop and apply the concepts learned in class to program a website for a service marketing concept.

Business Project

  • Learn how to apply project management tools and methods on a real-life business problem.
  • Plan, organize, conduct and control a project for a business partner and gain insights into the company.
  • Assess the quality and reliability of existing data / research findings based on their source, data collection method and analysis / interpretation of the findings.

International Business and Management


International Strategic Management

Organizational Behavior

Conscious Business


  • Learn about the drivers of globalization, related strategic models, and how to apply them in business operations.
  • Study the relationships between individual, organization, and society and reasons for behaviors in organizations.
  • Develop an understanding for alternative business practices compared to traditional profit orientation as the core goal of a business based on the four tenets of Conscious Capitalism as well as best practices in the field of Conscious Business.

International Focus

Choose 1 out of 3

  • Business in Germany
  • Business in Latin America
  • Business in China

Gain insights into business practices and current business topics in the chosen region based on an understanding of the social background as well as the economic and political system in the respective region.


Languages (Optional)

Choose 1 out of 3:

  • Spanish
  • Chinese
  • German

Depending on the level, learn the appropriate grammar and vocabulary skills to advance to the next level of language proficiency.


Communication in International Business


Business Communication

Business Ethics

Negotiation Skills


  • Identify and master the challenges of business communication particularly in an international and intercultural context.
  • Study and discuss topical and controversial business ethics issues as well as the philosophical origins of ethics.
  • Learn how to use effective communication skills as well as manage the human behavior dynamics in the negotiation process.

MBS Engagement

Feel a stronger sense of belonging to the MBS community by actively engaging in a variety of extracurricular offerings.

Semester 2


Concentration Modules (Choose 2)

The concentrations allow students to dive deep into specific areas of international business. In the second semester, students choose 2 out of 7 courses:

Corporate Finance: Corporate Finance and Portfolio Management

  • Distinguish between different valuation concepts and learn to apply specific valuation approaches.
  • Learn how to create a portfolio that meets the given investment goals as well as how to perform a “risk and return” analysis.

International Marketing: Integrated Corporate Communication and Relationship Marketing

  • Evaluate and design all elements of integrated corporate communication campaigns and adapt them according to different communication settings.
  • Develop an understanding of relationship marketing concepts and frameworks as well as how to apply them to real-life examples.

International Entrepreneurship: Establishing a Startup and Testing the Business Idea

  • Learn how to evaluate, write and pitch a business plan for creating a new venture.
  • Develop skills to set up a new venture, assess growth determinants, detect and solve managerial challenges, and evaluate and prepare exit strategies and steps for dealing with failure.

Innovation and Digital Business

  • Develop an understanding of innovation management in corporate structures and the impact of digitalization on novel product and service offerings
  • Learn the basics and principles of digital business models in the context of corporate entrepreneurship

International Family Firms: Building, Protecting and Investing Family Wealth

  • Develop an understanding of the dynamics between ownership-family-firm and the importance of balancing the system.
  • Apply the key concepts for the execution of ownership, investment and core activities in the heart of the system to a case study.

Foundations of Sustainable Business

  • Develop a deep understanding of the principles of the circular economy and their implementation in companies.
  • Solve complex human sustainability challenges as part of a project by applying sustainable design methods such as biomimicry, circular design and design thinking at product and process level.

Business Project

  • Learn how to apply project management tools and methods on a real-life business problem.
  • Plan, organize, conduct and control a project for a business partner and gain insights into the company.
  • Assess the quality and reliability of existing data / research findings based on their source, data collection method and analysis / interpretation of the findings.


Choose 2 out of 8:

  • Independent Research Project:
    Learn how to and develop a scientific paper, publication, working paper (or similar) on a self-chosen research topic in consultation with a faculty mentor.
  • Success Factor Happiness:
    Personally experience the concepts of happiness, mindfulness, higher purpose, compassion, and gratitude through specific exercises and learn from best practices how to apply them in a work environment to increase (among others) subjective well-being, health, productivity, and satisfaction and decrease stress.
  • Management Consulting:
    Analyze the characteristics of the consulting market, evaluate the critical success factors in consulting and develop the ability to structure and analyze business problems in a highly professional way.
  • Consolidated Financial Statements:
    Develop an understanding of consolidated financial statements, how to prepare them and what challenges may arise in their preparation.
  • Communication Management:
    Learn how organizations can communicate with consumers and acquire tools to facilitate communication within a company.
  • Applied Game Theory:
    Learn how to translate economic problems into game theory and evaluate important solution concepts of game theory.
  • Process and Logistics Management:
    Understand and recognize the importance of strategic operations and logistics managements as well as learn how to use relevant practical tools.
  • International Economic Relations:
    Develop an understanding of why countries trade with each other and an ability to reflect on both advantages and problematic developments of international trade.

International Focus

Choose 1 out of 5:

  • Business in Europe
  • Business in Latin America
  • Business in China
  • Business in USA and Canada
  • Business in Emerging Economies (India, Africa)

Use case studies, business simulations, in-depth reports as well as expert knowledge to understand the complexities of the business environment in the chosen region from a cultural, economic, social, political, and legal perspective.


Languages (Optional)

Choose 1 out of 3:

  • Spanish
  • Chinese
  • German

Depending on the level, learn the appropriate grammar and vocabulary skills to advance to the next level of language proficiency.


Responsible Leadership in a Global Context


Responsible Leadership

Business & Society

Master Thesis Preparation


  • Learn how to lead and manage people in business in a responsible way, including how to motivate and support people depending on the given circumstances, personality, and culture.
  • Get familiar with the origin and development of different cultural core beliefs, value systems and how they define business practices from a top management perspective.
  • Learn how to collect, evaluate, assess and present the state of the art in the academic discipline regarding a specific research question.

MBS Engagement

Feel a stronger sense of belonging to the MBS community by actively engaging in a variety of extracurricular offerings.

Semester 3


Semester Abroad

Students in the Master International Business gain comprehensive international experience by studying one semester at one of the numerous international partner universities of MBS. Alternatively, students can spend two semesters at selected universities and complete their studies with a dual degree


Master Thesis

Last but not least: writing you Master Thesis


Studying at Munich Business School is an international experience, because internationality is not only taught but also lived. This is why studying abroad is an integral part of our programs. MBS maintains partnerships with over 60 universities worldwide and is continuously expanding its international network. The cooperations range from classic programs such as ERASMUS+ and exchange programs to over 20 dual-degree agreements with partners in Europe, Asia, Australia, and the USA.
International Focus
International Focus

Although global economic principles can in general be applied everywhere, international markets are strongly influenced by political, cultural and historical characteristics.

By choosing one international focus per semester, you explicitly dedicate your Master International Business to the study of different markets and methods as well as special economic areas whose development influences the global economy.

Semester Abroad
Semester Abroad

You will spend the third semester abroad at one of our numerous international partner universities.

Students of the Master International Business gain comprehensive international experience by spending a semester at one of MBS' numerous international partner universities. Alternatively, students can spend two semesters at selected universities and complete their studies with a dual degree.

International Atmosphere
International Atmosphere

Around half of MBS students come from abroad, which gives our lectures and seminars a certain international flair.

Engaging and exchanging ideas with international students will give you a detailed understanding of different cultures and offer you the opportunity to explore approaches and mindsets from other cultures – an experience that will expand your own horizons. Joint activities outside the classroom will help you develop a wide network of international contacts and friendships.

MBS Dual Degree

Dual Degree

With the dual degree option, you acquire an additional, specialized Master's degree from one of our partner universities.Munich Business School's cooperation with renowned international universities gives you the opportunity to acquire two different master's degrees within two years. The dual degree is only available in the fall start. For a dual degree, you will normally spend two semesters at MBS and then two semesters at the partner university, followed by the Master's thesis.

Mentoring Program

You have the opportunity to apply for our exclusive mentoring program. Within the framework of this program, a professionally experienced person from the circle of MBS alumni will support you with words and deeds during the hot phase of your studies, help you to achieve your career goals and provide you with valuable contacts through their network.

At the beginning of your studies, you will receive more information about our mentoring program and can apply for one of the limited places until the end of September. In October, the mentoring committee makes its decision and in November, the selected mentees meet their mentors. The mentoring meetings will take place between November 2021 and August 2022.


In order to qualify for the Master International Business study program, you must fulfill academic, linguistic, and to some extent professional requirements.

You may submit your application documents at any time. Since the places are limited, we advise you to apply for your desired study start as early as possible.


Admission Requirements

Academic Requirements

The main requirement for admission to the Master International Business study program is a successful Bachelor's degree (180 ECTS or more). Applicants with a degree in Business Studies/Management/Economics are entitled to apply for the program directly, applicants without a degree in economics can qualify for the program by completing the Pre Master Program. Upon request, we will gladly verify your documents in advance. Please contact your Program Advisor.

Language Requirements

English Proficiency

Applicants must proof their English language skills by passing one of the following language tests:

  • TOEFL iBT & Home Edition: min. 85 (min. of 22 in writing band, min. of 20 in all other bands; MBS TOEFL Institution Code: 5772)
  • IELTS & IELTS Online: min. level of 6.5– Academic Module
  • ELS English for Academic Purposes: Advanced Level 112
  • Duolingo English Test: Overall Score 115 or higher
  • Pearson PTE Academic: Overall Score 56 or higher
  • Cambridge: Min. 173 or Grade B or higher

Note: If the test is also used to apply for a visa, please check the requirements of the respective embassy in advance.

Test results can only be accepted if achieved within the last two years. If you are unable to obtain your test results before handing in your MBS application, please inform us about your planned test date.

The English proficiency test can be waived by the following candidates:

  • Applicants having completed their schooling in English (i.e., High School Diploma, IB)
  • Applicants having completed their first academic degree in English

Application Deadline

Application deadlines in detail

We accept applications all year round. However, we recommend that you apply as early as possible, as the number of places is limited.

Spring semester (Master International Business only)

  • Application guideline for Europeans (no visa): December 10
  • Application guideline for non-Europeans (visa required): October 31

Applicants from Vietnam, China and India should allow an extra month to apply for the relevant visas.

Winter semester

  • Application guideline for Europeans (no visa): July 15
  • Application guideline for non-Europeans (visa required): April 30

Applicants from Vietnam, China and India should allow an extra month to apply for the relevant visas.

Application Process

Step 1: Putting together your application

You must submit the following mandatory documents for us to consider your written application:

  • Answers to motivational questions (choice of questions provided during the online application process)
  • CV/résumé
  • Current passport-style photo (in color, with a light background)
  • A copy of your school-leaving certificate(s)*
  • A copy of your undergraduate degree certificate (incl. transcripts)*
  • Evidence of adequate English language skills (TOEFL, IELTS or ELS)
  • References (if available)
  • Completed application form
  • If you are interested in scholarship programs: personal cover letter (1 page) 

*Please submit the relevant original document, or a certified copy, as soon as you are accepted onto the program. 

Online application:
Apply online for the Master’s program in International Business

Step 2: Admission to the program

Eligible applicants will be invited to a personal interview, either in person in Munich or online via Microsoft Teams (approx. 30–45 minutes). The interview may include examining a case study.

As soon as you are accepted onto the program, you will have the opportunity to get to know Munich Business School a little better – before you make the final decision about your studies. And, of course, our student advisors will be available to answer any questions you have.

Step 3: Study Contract

When we confirm your place, we will send you confirmation of your acceptance along with two copies of your study contact. To secure your place, please sign and return one copy of the contract to us within two weeks. You can keep the other copy for your files.

Additionally, in order to be formally accepted onto the program, you must pay a one-off matriculation fee of €690 (EU/EFTA) or €1,490 (non-EU) and make an advance payment of €1.990. This advance payment will be deducted from your first tuition fee payment.

Step 4: Student Visa

If you are a non-EU citizen, you must apply for a student visa in order to start your studies in Germany. You will require a letter of invitation from Munich Business School to secure your visa – which we will be happy to provide once we receive your signed student contract and a copy of your passport.

More about student Visa


Munich Business School offers attractive scholarship programs amount up to EUR 4,000 of the overall tuition fee. (Up to EUR 2,000 on the 1st and 2nd master's semester).

If you wish to apply for a scholarship, you should include an application when you submit your overall application. You can find further information on our scholarships and financing page.


The quality of teaching and the training of sought-after professionals and managers is the focus at Munich Business School. By studying at MBS, you are making an investment in your future. You can comfortably pay the tuition fees in three semesters or 18 monthly installments.

Depending on which partner university you would like to spend your semester abroad at or if you would like to do a dual degree, additional costs may apply.

In accordance with our university values, we are willing to offer first-class and motivated applicants a study place at Munich Business School - regardless of their economic background. There are many ways to finance your studies - scholarships, BAföG, education funds, etc. Get an overview of our scholarships as well as the 100% student funding with our partner Brain Capital and find the model that suits you best. You can find further information on our scholarships and financing page.



Fees on the Master’s program

Fee per month
EUR 1,430
Fees per semester
EUR 8,580
Total fees
EUR 25,740

Early Bird Special

Submit your complete online application and recieve a discount on the first semester rate.

Spring Intake - Deadline 15th October
EUR 1,000 Discount
Fall Intake - Deadline 15th February
EUR 1,000 Discount

Other Fees

Application Processing Fee
60 Euro
One-time Enrollment Fee (EU/EFTA)
690 Euro
One-time Enrollment Fee for international students
1,490 Euro

Key Questions on the Master International Business answered briefly

What is International Business Management?

International Business Management refers to the practice of managing and operating businesses across national borders. It involves understanding global markets, navigating cultural differences, and developing strategies to effectively compete in international settings. Professionals in this field typically oversee aspects such as international marketing, finance, supply chain management, and strategic planning tailored to the complexities of global business environments.

Is Master of International Business useful?

Yes, a Master of International Business is generally considered useful as it equips graduates with specialized knowledge in global business strategies, intercultural management, and enhances their ability to navigate complex international markets. It prepares individuals for leadership roles in multinational corporations and provides valuable skills that are highly sought after in today's globalized economy.

What is International Business Management course?

An International Business Management course is an academic program that focuses on preparing students to understand and manage businesses in a global context. It covers topics such as international marketing, global finance, cross-cultural management, international trade regulations, and strategic management for multinational corporations. The course aims to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the complexities of conducting business across different countries and cultures effectively.

Is International Management and Business Management the same?

No, International Management and Business Management are not exactly the same. International Management focuses specifically on managing businesses across national borders, dealing with global strategies, cultural differences, and international operations. Business Management, on the other hand, is a broader field that encompasses managing various aspects of businesses, including operations, marketing, finance, and human resources, typically within a national or regional context. While both fields share some overlap, International Management has a more specialized focus on global business practices.

Is it a good idea to study International Business Munich?

Yes, studying International Business in Munich can be a good idea. Munich is a vibrant international city with a strong economy and a hub for multinational corporations. Universities in Munich, such as the Munich Business School (MBS), offer excellent programs tailored to international business practices. Students benefit from exposure to diverse cultures, extensive networking opportunities, and potential internships with global companies, enhancing their career prospects in the global marketplace.

What is special about the Master's in International Business?

The Master's in International Business is distinctive for its focus on global business strategies, cross-cultural management skills, and preparation for leadership roles in multinational companies. It emphasizes understanding international markets, navigating global complexities, and developing strategic capabilities crucial for success in an interconnected world economy.

Where to study Master International Business in Munich, Germany?

The Master in International Business can be studied in Munich at several renowned universities, including Munich Business School (MBS). Munich Business School could be chosen for its specific strengths in practice-oriented apprenticeships and its strong links with international companies. MBS offers a wide range of internationally oriented degree programs tailored to the needs of global companies, which can improve alumni's career prospects.

How much do you earn with a Master in International Business?

The salary with a Master in International Business can vary widely depending on factors such as location, industry, job role, and level of experience. Generally, graduates can expect competitive salaries, particularly in multinational corporations or leadership positions, where earnings tend to be above average due to the specialized skills and global perspective gained from the degree. According to the MBS Alumni Survey 2022/23, the salaries of MBS Master International Business alumni are between 44 thousand euros and 110 thousand euros directly after graduation.

What careers can you do with International Business Management?

With International Business Management, you can pursue careers such as international marketing manager, export/import manager, business development manager, supply chain manager, international financial analyst, and executive positions like CEO or managing director in global companies. Additionally, opportunities exist in international consulting, entrepreneurship focused on global trade, and roles in international organizations dealing with global economic policies and development.

How long does it take to study International Business Management?

An International Business Management degree usually takes around three to four years to complete, depending on whether it is a Bachelor's or a Master's program. A Bachelor's program usually takes three years, while a Master's program can take about one and a half additional years, depending on the specific focus and requirements of the university. At Munich Business School, the Master International Business program is scheduled to last between 18 and 24 months. The regular Master International Business at MBS usually takes 18 months. If you choose the dual degree option, the study period is extended by one semester.

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Master International Business Alumni

What do our Master International Business Alumni actually do after their studies at MBS? To answer this question, MBS regularly conducts the MBS Alumni Survey. Our graduates:
have found a job within 3 months after graduation 69% started a career abroad 35% started a career in Germany 65%

Looking to find out more?

Studienberater MBS: Uttamdeep Kaur, B.A.
PAGE-TITLE: Master International Business