Thursday evening, the MBS Lounge was the venue for the much-anticipated presentation of “CONVINCED! How to Prove Your Competence & Win People Over”, the latest book of MBS Professor and bestseller author, Dr. Jack Nasher.
After a warm welcome to the audience by Professor Dr. Stefan Baldi, Dean of Munich Business School, Jack Nasher took the stage, starting his presentation by sharing the story of famous violinist Joshua Bell performing incognito at L’Enfant Plaza Station in Washington, D.C. for about 43 minutes without being recognized – despite his unparallelled skills.
The moral of the story? True greatness doesn’t speak for itself, nor does competence. You need to convey your competence! That is what “CONVINCED!” is all about.
During his very entertaining as well as inspiring presentation, Jack Nasher provided some intriguing examples on how to convince others. That is, to overcome people’s primal fear of making a bad decision – as people tend to not to choose what they like best, but what they fear least. (Jack Nasher has published a blog article on this very phenomenon, called “loss aversion”.)
After the riveting presentation, the audience had the opportunity to follow up with some questions to Jack Nasher. Subsequently, the evening continued with a cozy get together and lively discussions amongst the guests of the event.
“CONVINCED! How to Prove Your Competence & Win People Over” is available on Amazon or your local book store.