Representing Munich Business School, Professor Dr. Heiko Seif attended the Annual Research Conference of the Chartered Association of Business Schools at the University of Edinburgh.
The focus of the conference was on how business & management research can influence upcoming changes in the global business world. The participants consisted of research deans from international business schools, international economic policy-makers, and representatives from business.
It was shown that the influence of research on the world of business cannot be measured by publications in top-ranked journals alone; another important parameter is the proven implementation of research results in companies, and in guidelines for economic policy.
Guidelines have also been developed on how international business schools can collaborate more effectively in the field of research. For the English business schools, the discussion of cooperation possibilities in a post-Brexit scenario was particularly relevant.
Munich Business School is very well positioned in this respect thanks to its long-standing cooperation with Sheffield Hallam University’s Business School. The cooperation agreement between these two business schools was recently extended by a further five years, and will be further intensified in the area of research. This includes, for example, an annual doctoral conference, which Munich Business School will host in 2020.
The Annual Reserach Conference in Edinburgh also included a poster session and an exhibition of tangible research results from the various business schools on the topic of “Solutions for a thriving and fair society”. The exhibition showed how research in management & business can have a positive impact on the economy and society.
Further information on the Annual Research Conference can be found here.