Responsibility and Sustainability have always been playing a major role at Munich Business School – as defined in its vision and mission. To walk the talk on these fundamental values, MBS incorporates them in its educational as well as research approaches, designs the curricula of its study programs in alignment with them, and strives to walk the talk with various activities connected to responsibility and sustainability.
One particular example is Munich Business School’s commitment to the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), which MBS has been supporting since 2013 – as one of the first German business schools. The goal of this initiative, supported by the United Nations and based on the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, is to anchor sustainable personality development at business schools across the globe.
In order to raise awareness for the goals, and to give a summary of the schools’ contributions to achieving them, members of the PRME initiative each release dedicated Sharing Information on Progress (SIP) Reports on a regular basis. So does Munich Business School with its latest 2019 SIP report.
The report showcases MBS’s activities in the following areas, amongst others:
- Creating an excellent learning and working environment based on internationality and diversity, including aspects such as gender equality and the compatibility of family and career.
- Putting emphasis on recruiting students and employing lecturers who excel in areas such as social commitment, social entrepreneurship, and/or social leadership.
- Supporting employment initiatives that focus on assisting unemployed and/or disadvantaged individuals.
- Contributing research to relevant topics such as Conscious Business, Global Sustainability, Business Ethics, and the like.
- Offering dedicated courses across all study programs, e.g., “Social Entrepreneurship”, “Responsible Leadership”, and the “Social Service Project”.
- Organizing events that focus on relevant topics, e.g., the “Women in Leadership” event series and the “Social Entrepreneurship Panel Discussion”.
- Enabling students, lecturers, and staff members to engage in social activities by organizing as well as providing dedicated opportunities.
- Actively supporting student associations that focus on social engagement/commitment.
- Establishing applied research centers such as the “European Center for Social Finance”.
- Giving back to society via organizing charitable activities such as the “MBS Social Day”, and supporting initiatives such as the Rotary project “End Polio Now”.
- Getting involved with dedicated organizations such as the “University Alliance for Positive Finance” and PRME.
In addition, the report lists MBS’s scheduled and intended measures supporting the Principles of Responsible Management Education as well as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for the next 24 months.
For a detailed overview, please feel free to read our 2019 SIP report.