For two days, the 8 partners of the Young Entrepreneurs Succeed program, one of which is Munich Business School’s European Center for Social Finance, funded by EEA Grants and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment, met in Barcelona, with the aim of sharing knowledge and improve the implementation of the Young Entrepreneurs Succeed program.
During the meeting, the 8 partners have defined the paths and their respective objectives that will be followed by the beneficiaries of the program. It is expected that 1.600 NEETs (Youth Not in Education, Employment or Training) from Greece, Poland, Italy and Spain will be provided with training, coaching, access to finance and mentoring services to start & grow their own business or to find a job.
Autoocupació (Spain), Anka (Greece), Microfinanza (Italy) and Youth Business Poland (Poland) have presented the implementation model of their own countries. In this way, through the discussion of the proposals, the partners will optimize the implementation paths and improve its impact.
During the meeting, the project partners have set the indicators to analyse needs of the young entrepreneurs in vulnerable situations and the gaps in the provision, design and implementation of financial and non-financial services for this collective. In addition, the partners have been established the indicators to verify the efficiency effectiveness of the methodology and the paths to be implemented by the Young Entrepreneurs Succeed program.
Different good practices have been presented to be applied during the implementation of the Young Entrepreneurs Succeed program, among them, the mentoring program of Youth Business International, placing value to the mentor and the entrepreneur roles in a mentoring relationship.
Youth Business Poland will host the fourth meeting that will be held next November in Warsaw, Poland.
Youth Employment Magazine Launched
Launched on July 30, the Youth Employment Magazine will function as a content resource for all projects implemented under the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment. Its editorial team consists of experts implementing the projects themselves, who are regularly developing materials about the progress and results of each project. The platform is established by the Fund Operator,a consortium of JCP Italy and Ecorys Polska.
More information is to be found here.
About the EEA and Norway Grants
The EEA and Norway Grants represent the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway to reduce economic and social disparities and to strengthen bilateral relations with 15 EU countries in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltics.
For the period 2014-2021, the total contribution is €2.8 billion (EEA Grants €1.5 billion and Norway Grants €1.3 billion).
Under the EEA Agreement, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway are part of the European internal market. The EEA Agreement sets out the common goal of working together to reduce social and economic disparities.
The Scaling trust-based partnership models to recharge youth entrepreneurship: Supporting underserved communities with innovative entrepreneurship support instruments (TPM-RYE) project, benefits from €2,3M grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment. The aim of the programme is to activate unemployed youth to access the labour market and promote entrepreneurship.