The time has come again: This week, all freshmen were welcomed to Munich Business School. The new fall semester begins in bright sunshine. Students from over 40 nations – from Albania to Vietnam – travelled to Munich to start their studies at Munich Business School. During the orientation week they learned how to find a shared room in Munich, where to take out health insurance, how to buy a German SIM card, and what university life is like at MBS.
For the first time, the new Master’s programs Innovation and Entrepreneurship under the direction of Prof. Dr. Anne Tryba and International Marketing and Brand Management under the direction of Prof. Dr. Sophie Hieke will begin. The academic directors and the students are already very excited to finally start.
The highlight of the orienation week was the MBS Orientation Party in the MBS Lounge. The freshmen mingeled, socialised, took many pictures, first friendships were made and some dancing took place. The freshmen are already excited when the studies officially start on Monday. We wish everyone a great start on Monday and a wonderful time at MBS.