In the End of October in India many oil lamps and fireworks are shining and sparkling, families are enjoying themselves and sharing traditional food and sweets… It is Diwali time! Houses and working places are decorated with colorful sand and flowers, called Rangoli, and participants adorn themselves in their finest clothes.Hindu people spent five days celebrating this festival, whose main message is the victory of good over the evil, truth about the lie, the light over the shadow and the life over the death.
The growing community of Indian students at MBS was a good occasion for us to arrange a Diwali festival on campus. On Thursday evening, students from all around the globe met in the MBS student lounge and enjoyed Bollywood sounds, delicious food and Indian flair, created by beautiful decoration and lightning strings.
The highlight of the event was a dancing show of Indian students, who showcased traditional movements and looked great doing it!
“Thanks for giving us a home, away from home” were the closing words of the main organizer, Ms. Kirti Mudgil, who was very touched by the lively participation and enthusiasm of the guests.
We want to thank the Indian organization team for taking us on this journey to India.
It was a very inspiring experience, proving that intercultural exchange really matters at MBS.