In July and August, the Career Center of Munich Business School organizes a virtual MBS Talent Camp, where interested parties and students can prepare for their personal career path with various freely bookable workshops. In the interview, Stephanie Raschen, Career Center Manager, reveals more about the exciting program.
MBS Marketing: What can participants expect at the MBS Talent Camp?
Stephanie Raschen: The Talent Camp offers preparation for job search and personal career development. Various workshops held by companies and MBS employees prepare the Talent Camp participants for the application process and entry into the working world and also provide important impulses for finding out which professional direction one wants to take.
MBS Marketing: What concrete elements are offered within the framework of the Talent Camp?
Stephanie Raschen: An application process consists of different phases and components. In order to prepare our students in the best possible way for their entry into the professional world, we have designed various workshops along the entire application process. I offer trainings in German and English for the perfect application, in which we will focus on the professional structure of an application letter. Questions such as “Which documents do I need for an application?”, “How is a cover letter structured?” and “What does the perfect resume look like?” will be discussed. In this early phase of the application process, the personal presentation on online platforms is also very important. Therefore LinkedIn will hold a workshop and practice with the participants how to build up their own LinkedIn profile in order to be found by recruiters. If the application was then successful, the next step in the process of finding a job is the job interview and this also needs to be practised. Nathalie von Seyfried and I will offer interview simulations in which participants can practice the interview situation in a protected environment and receive valuable feedback afterwards. In order to make the interview as authentic as possible, the participants will send us a job advertisement and their corresponding application documents in advance. Furthermore, Kathrin Vallund will reflect on personal strengths and weaknesses in a seminar with the participants and discuss how these can best be presented in application situations.
MBS Marketing: Why is it worth participating and why is now a good time to take part in the Talent Camp?
Stephanie Raschen: Due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the job market is currently in a kind of trough and at first glance, due to few job advertisements and a certain stagnation in the job market, it may seem to many people that this is absolutely not the right time for personal career development. At the same time, however, we should be aware that the job market is recovering and that there will be more vacancies and internships on offer. Moreover, the corona pandemic is changing the way we work tomorrow in the long term, so summer 2020, for which so many of us certainly had quite different plans, is the perfect time to seize the opportunity and prepare for tomorrow’s challenges.
MBS Marketing: How do you think the corona pandemic influences the working world of tomorrow?
Stephanie Raschen: I think that the corona pandemic will have a major and lasting impact on the world of work in the future. On the one hand, we can already see that the way we work together is becoming much more virtual and digital, which will certainly continue or even intensify in the future. We will probably no longer travel so much around the world for professional reasons, but will increasingly conduct global cooperation virtually. This also applies to job interviews. In addition, with regard to the globalised supply chains, some locations will certainly shift. In order to contain or avoid production bottlenecks and delivery difficulties in the future, I can imagine that many companies will either produce themselves or make greater use of the European market. On the other hand, the aspects of sustainability and values will become more important and influence consumer behaviour. All these changes require future work skills, which we would like to teach to the participants of the Talent Camp.
MBS Marketing: Who is the target group for the MBS Talent Camp – only students already enrolled or also prospective students?
Stephanie Raschen: The Talent Camp is open to all interested parties. Certainly, the focus is on students who are already enrolled and for whom the start in the working world may be approaching. But since Future Work Skills is also very much about Lifelong Learning, it was important to me when designing the concept to keep the offer open to everyone – whether prospective students, new students, career starters or people who are already more advanced, such as interested alumni.
MBS Marketing: What do you personally hope for from the MBS Talent Camp?
Stephanie Raschen: I am looking forward to many motivated students who are interested in their further development, who want to think outside the box and do not see the current time of change and uncertainty as lost time, but rather as an opportunity they want to use. According to the motto: Prepare for the new future now and not only when the future has already become present!
An overview of all events offered as part of the MBS Talent Camp can be found on our website.