The graduates of Munich Business School are highly valued young professionals on the job market. This is confirmed by the WirtschaftsWoche University Ranking 2022, in which Munich Business School remains number one among private universities of applied sciences in the field of business administration for the third year in a row. In an overall comparison with public universities of applied sciences in this field, it ranks third in Germany .
With a large number of renowned universities, Munich is one of Germany’s academic strongholds. One reason for this is the strong local economy. The WirtschaftsWoche University Ranking 2022 shows that Munich Business School (MBS) knows how to use the economic network and at the same time provides its students with practical experience through various cooperations and projects. In this year’s ranking, in which the employer branding consultancy Universum as usual asked HR professionals about their preferences in recruiting, MBS proves to be Germany’s most popular private university of applied sciences in the field of business administration for the third time in a row. In comparison with all German universities of applied sciences – both state and private – the university is in a strong third place and thus continues its success story of the past years.
WirtschaftsWoche University Ranking 2022 as confirmation of excellent teaching with practical orientation at Munich Business School

Stefan Baldi, Dean of Munich Business School, is pleased with the good ranking: “The result in the WirtschaftsWoche University Ranking 2022 is once again a confirmation of our excellent teaching with a focus on practical orientation, internationality and personal development of our students. We are pleased that recruiters appreciate these factors. At the same time, their evaluation provides us with information about where we can improve even more in the future. We’ll keep at it! “
More than 500 HR managers from companies with ten to thousands of employees contributed to the WirtschaftsWoche University Ranking 2022. They indicated which universities they prefer to recruit their employees from and which criteria – from personality to exam grades to foreign language skills – they pay particular attention to. Since information and results provided by the universities themselves are not included in the evaluation, the ranking is considered to be highly independent.
The full WirtschaftsWoche university ranking can be viewed online here (premium content in German).

You are interested in economics and want to acquire in-depth business know-how?
Then the international business degrees at Munich Business School (MBS) are just right for you! At MBS you won’t cram dry theory from old textbooks, but learn in a outcome-oriented way and gain valuable practical experience. Convince yourself:
Bachelor’s in International Business
Master’s in International Business
Master’s in International Business I Finance
Master’s in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Master’s in International Marketing and Brand Management
Master’s in Sports Business and Communication
MBA General Management
Doctor of Business Administration