During his semester abroad in San Diego, Bachelor graduate Claus Weiß had the idea to bring the cult product “Açaí Berry” to Germany und to open a café. He outlined the business plan while he was still studying
From Theory to Practice
For all MBS students, their semester abroad marks an absolute highlight. But it is not always only about getting to know another culture, studying at a different university and forming new friendships. Some students even bring home a new business idea. During his semester abroad in San Diego, Bachelor graduate Claus Weiss had the idea to bring the cult product “Açaí Berry” to Germany and to open a café. He outlined the business plan while he was still studying, and “Daddy Longlegs” opened in 2013.
How did you come up with the idea of founding “Daddy Longlegs”?
The idea came to me during my term abroad at San Diego State University. Not only did I have a great time there, but I also brought home a business idea from my semester abroad.
What is so special about your product, the Acai berry?
It hits the nerve of our times with regard to health-conscious nutrition that is prepared before the customers’ eyes. It gives a lot of power and is perfectly suited for sportspeople in particular.
Your job as the business manager of “Daddy Longlegs” is your second job. What is your main occupation?
My main job is real estate development for a Munich family company. I see my professional future in the field of real estate; the gastronomy sector is my hobby, so to speak.
Would you say that you have already found your dream job?
With the fields of real estate and gastronomy, I have definitely found my dream industries. And I feel very much at home with the Munich family company. This way, I can perfectly combine my two passions.
What are your next big goals?
I am always ready for projects in the fields of real estate and gastronomy. In real estate, I am particularly interested in the difficult projects. You know, those projects that, at first glance, seem to involve high risks – be it the optics or the location of the property. In gastronomy, on the other hand, I would only opt for tried-and-tested convenient locations.
What is your formula for success?
Stay hungry – stay foolish! As a rule, when people tell me that something is not possible, I do not accept their point of view. Almost everything is possible when you are prepared and willing to pay the price. And I always try to swim against the tide. Up to now, this has worked out pretty well for me.
In what respect do you profit from your MBS studies in the position you are in today?
From a technical viewt, I profit from all the courses around the subjects of finances and taxes. A small entrepreneur should at least have a rough idea about taxes. With regard to personality and appearance, the many presentations I held have helped me to act with self-confidence in front of a client.
From your point of view, what is the hallmark of an MBS study program?
It’s extremely practice-oriented and takes place in a family-like ambient. The network I was able to set up at MBS is very valuable for me.
Name three things that come immediately to your mind when you think back to your time at MBS.
- Friends
- Fun
- A thorough education in business
Have you arrived where you wanted to go as a student?
My original goal was to take over the family business so one could say I did not arrive where I had wanted to go. On the other hand, I am very satisfied with the new direction and my new options and I have never ever regretted the decision not to go „home“.
What advice do you have for MBS students for their studies? (= If you would re-start your studies, what would you do differently?)
I’ve always learned for life. And this attitude always had a positive impact. That is exactly why I would recommend all the other students not only to learn for their résumé but to really learn for life! If you do your work with enthusiasm and commitment, then you will succeed.
Have you been a good student?
It was rather mixed. I studied hard for all those subjects that I liked or from which I could profit for my professional career. But there were also other subjects for which I just did what was absolutely necessary.