The Higher Education Committee of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of Germany confirms the practice-oriented doctoral degree Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) as a recognized doctoral degree in Germany.
According to the newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of Germany recently confirmed that the Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) degree, primarly offered by British universities, is to be treated as an equivalent to the German doctorate degree (Dr.).
Munich Business School (MBS) offers the DBA degree in cooperation with the British Sheffield Hallam University (SHU). Hence, the aforementioned confirmation brings certainty to students of the Doctor of Business Administration at MBS. Graduates of the program are authorized to bear the titles “DBA” and “Dr.” (without concentration and origin addenda), alternatively.
This is also backed up by the fact that the anabin database – the information portal of the Standing Conference that provides value figures for foreign degrees in comparison to the German likes – accordingly values the practice-oriented promotion degree Doctor of Business Administration as a “D1” degree – corresponding to the German doctorate degree.
Update (2020): This recognition remains in place even after the UK has left the EU (Brexit). Graduates of a DBA program will not - as initially assumed - have to forfeit their title, but may continue to proudly wear the distinction as DBA or Dr. in Germany. Here you can find more background information on the equivalence of the DBA with the German doctorate.

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