Every autumn, Munich Business School (MBS) traditionally invites its graduates for the Alumni Reunion. This year’s event was fully dedicated to the 25. anniversary of the university. Consequently, approximately 130 MBS graduates of various years and study programs joined the festivity in the Restaurant am Chinesischen Turm in Munich’s English Garden to meet with their fellow-students and lecturers, refresh old contacts and establish new ones – and to spend an unforgettable evening in a festive atmosphere together.
After a welcome glass of champagne on the terrace, the alumni sat in the stylishly decorated restaurant that was filled to the last seat. Here they were greeted by Layla Eberle, MBS Alumni Relations Manager and organizer of the 2016 alumni reunion. Following that, Prof. Dr. Stefan Baldi, dean of MBS, officially opened the evening. Matching the occasion of the 25. anniversary, he looked back on the milestones of the university’s eventful history in his speech and also ventured a short forecast of the future.
This opened the buffet, and the guests had the chance to enjoy various delicious treats of the Bavarian cuisine.
Your Network is your Net-Worth
True to the motto “A good person will remain an apprentice his entire life”, the 2016 Alumni Reunion of course also offered an opportunity to gain valuable experience: Soon-to-be MBS lecturer Dr. Jose Alcaraz invited the alumni to his workshop “Your Network is your Net-Worth” in the ballroom of the Restaurant am Chinesischen Turm. Together with the participants, Dr. Alcaraz focused on networking and, amongst others, also presented possibilities to identify and build valuable professional contacts.
And then there also was a small extra surprise for the graduates of the best represented class at the 2016 Alumni Reunion: Organizer Layla Eberle presented each attending alumnus/ alumna of the class of 06 (study start: 1996) a FLSK – an innovative thermos, (newly) invented by MBS alumnus Patrick Bohrer and his start-up.
The event lasted till late into the night, and the guests enjoyed themselves immensely: While some engaged in animated talks about the good old student days, others discussed current topics, and still others immediately put Dr. Alcaraz’ advice into practice and enhanced their professional network.

The last guests left around 2 am, taking with them the memories of a wonderful evening. “We are particularly pleased that we welcomed alumni of 25 MBS years in our anniversary year. It was a very moving experience to see former students, lecturers and others from the ‘MBS cosmos’ reunite who have not met with each other for a long time. After all, we as their alma mater consider it our task to connect all these interesting people – also and especially after they have left MBS. I believe we did a good job tonight,” stated Layla Eberle, expressing her satisfaction with the 2016 Alumni Reunion. “I am already looking forward to hopefully meeting with all of them again next year.”
MBS would like to thank the banking house Donner & Reuschel for having generously supported the 2016 Alumni Reunion.