On a Mission to Make This Planet a Little Happier (Part 1)

MBS Christian Mauerer

After completing his Bachelor International Business studies at MBS, Christian Mauerer founded his own socially-minded business, Loverope. And ever since, he has been on a mission to make this planet happier and do some crazy things. But see for yourself!

Christian, what inspires you in your mission to make this planet happier? Why is this important to you?

Well, I grew up in an entrepreneurial family. My parents have a family business selling mushrooms & berries – importing and exporting them. My dad overtook that business from my grandfather, but he was never really happy with it although it brought good financial return. So I thought to myself: No matter what I do in the future, it will be something that will make me happy despite of the money I earn and things I do.

So I went out into the world and created myself through post-its (Steve Jobs, the Dalai Lama and some more… you have to see this!), sought out to make the world a happier place through a 12.000 mile road trip.

MBS Christian Mauerer
Steve Jobs made of Post-its at the Munich Apple Store.
















Stay tuned for more! Meanwhile, here is Christian’s inspiring speech held at the MBS Graduation Gala back in 2013.