“The future of teaching lies in combining knowledge transfer with special experiences in impressive places,” believes MBS Professor Dr. Marc-Michael Bergfeld, “In times in which basic concepts can be called up on the Internet at any time, only a deep discussion in an inspiring environment with passionate lecturers will lead to something memorable.”
That’s why Professor Dr. Bergfeld moved the “Modern Leadership & Corporate Development” lecture of the MBA General Management program to the old clubhouse of the Hotel Kaiserin Elisabeth, located in Feldafing’s Lenné Park and close to Lake Starnberg.
In bright sunshine, the students dealt with the challenges of leadership in today’s business environment. They discussed the importance of artificial intelligence and social media for modern management tasks as well as leadership in critical situations, in politics, and in ambitious, young technology companies. The mayor of Feldafing, Bernhard Sontheim, London entrepreneur Morten Sondergaard, and former fighter pilot Florian Schwensfeier visited the very special event as guest speakers, and the students agreed, “This lecture will definitely be remembered”.