During his semester abroad at Westminster University, MBS Bachelor International Business student Pericles Poetis got fascinated and inspired by the city of London, which is reflected in his photography work.
From Tuesday, May 29, on, Pericles will showcase his photographies at the Hearthouse Munich, located at Lenbachplatz 2. The exhibition named “Reflecting London”, which is organized by the networking and project identification platform for creative minds, Munich Members, will be open for four weeks.
On May 29 at 7 pm, Pericles will host the Opening Event of the exhibition at the “Studio” of the Hearthouse, to which you are cordially invited!
Since it is a limited space, private event, you are kindly asked to register with your full name by sending an email to info@munich-members.com. First come, first serve!
In addition to the photography exhibition, various special guests of the Munich Members community from art, film, television, and well-known start-ups will be present at the event.
If you can’t wait to experience Pericles’ photography, have a look at his website and Instagram feed, both of which provide great impressions of his artistic work!