Social Media Recruiting

February 27, 2015

Social Media Recruiting is dead. This was the result of two recent surveys*°. All hope seems lost. Well, not quite. As is the case with any innovation, the small sprout needs to be given a […]

MBS Helps Supports HIV Positive Orphans in Ethiopia

February 22, 2015

MBS Helps e.V., the student initiative of Munich Business School, implemented yet another successful charity project: A fund-raising campaign to help HIV positive orphans in Ethiopia. During the MBS graduation gala in November 2014 at […]

Paradise at Risk! M.d.L. Markus Blume an der MBS

February 10, 2015

Big data, digitalization, geopolitical changes – these three terms stand for the rapid change the world is undergoing in the 21st century. Is it, maybe, too rapid for our society and our economy? Markus Blume, […]

The Potential of Service Learning

February 6, 2015

What is Service Learning and how can its potential be used for academic institutions? Service Learning is a learning method that builds a bridge between lecture hall or classroom and civic involvement. It could be […]

Sunny Food: The Reinvention of Fast Food

February 3, 2015

Philipp Döhmel, MBS Alumnus Bachelor International Business (2013) talks about his start-up “Sunny-Food“. On November 2014, Philipp’s smoothie and juice bar “Sunny-Food” was officially opened. How did you come up with the idea for “Sunny-Food” […]