Internationality, practice-orientation and personality: These are the values for which MBS flies its flag and the foundation for its curriculum. An approach which, according to the “trendence Graduate Barometer 2015” survey, seems to be well received by its students. They gave their university excellent credentials and awarded top marks in series.
90% of the interviewed MBS Bachelor and Master students answered the questions regarding overall satisfaction with their university by giving marks of 1 or 2 (in a scale of 1=very satisfied to 7=very dissatisfied). “Of course, we are thrilled with this outstanding rating especially considering the results of Germany overall (Germany: 65%),” comments MBS Dean Prof. Dr. Stefan Baldi. The fact that 80% of the students feel perfectly prepared for their professional careers by their MBS education (G: 35%) speaks for itself. A recommendation rate of almost 90% and very high satisfaction with the MBS services round off the excellent overall assessment.
By national comparison, MBS students have significantly more international experience than their average fellow students – be it with regard to studies abroad, internships abroad or the command of additional foreign languages. Rated at 88%, the “internationality of the study programs” itself also clearly ranges above the German average (68%). The students’ future plans also fit well into this picture: After graduating from MBS, 38% of the interviewed students want to study at a university abroad (G: 10%), 32% intend to work in another country (G: 11%).
At MBS, practice orientation is not only imparted via relevant contents (MBS: 91%, G: 65%), but also through good company contacts, established and maintained, for example, by expert presentations and collaborations or the Career Center. This is perhaps one of the reasons why none of the interviewed MBS students expects difficulties to find work in 2015 (G: 32%).
In addition to their extracurricular commitments (MBS: 78%, G: 59%), their higher motivation to perform will undoubtedly also be helpful (MBS: 49 h/week, G: 44 h/week). Accordingly, MBS students see themselves as strong personalities (reliable, resilient, motivated, with high social competence, very flexible) ready to assume leadership responsibilities (MBS: 92%, G: 68%).
The Berlin trendence Institute interviewed more than 35,000 students at more than 130 universities throughout Germany about their universities and their career goals.