Philipp Döhmel, MBS Alumnus Bachelor International Business (2013) talks about his start-up “Sunny-Food“. On November 2014, Philipp’s smoothie and juice bar “Sunny-Food” was officially opened.
How did you come up with the idea for “Sunny-Food” ?
During my studies at MBS and my internships I realized that I was always pressed for time when it came to eating. The less time I had, the worse my food choices got. That‘s when I had the idea with the Green Smoothies. By the way, latest studies show that seven green portions a day significantly increase your well-being.
What makes your products special?
Every smoothie I make has a certain purpose. According to this purpose, we pick the right fruit, vegetables and superfoods. I offer smoothies as breakfast substitutes, immune boosters or pick-me-ups. Since all products are prepared right in front of our customers, I stand for 100% freshness.
Have you always had an entrepreneurial spirit?
No (laughs). It was definitely molded during my three years at MBS. And fellow students with a strong entrepreneurial spirit additionally spurred me on.
How much time did you invest from planning until completion?
Only two months! But I don‘t think that is a very common timeframe. In this time, I wrote a business plan, designed a logo, put up a website, created a factbook, found a shop, composed recipes and much more.
How did your MBS studies help you?
In my opinion, there are two reasons why start-ups fail: sales and finance. For a functioning sales strategy you need good company contacts and a personal network – both of which I could build at MBS. For my business plan and financial planning I could definitely use the knowledge I gained from Prof. Schäffner‘s and Prof. Zirus‘ lectures.
What would you tell MBS students who want to start their own business?
As an entrepreneur, you have to organize everything. Mistakes are not forgiven and you feel the impact of your decisions immediately. If you are willing to live for your idea 24/7, then you should just be courageous and go for it. The older you get, the harder it is to become self-employed. There are always bad times and good times. Especially in the beginning you need lots of ambition, patience and willpower.
„Sunny-Food“ in one sentence?
„Sunny-Food“ is the reinvention of fast food.