Master Sports Business and Communication student Nikolai Retzbach spent his semester abroad at Florida International University (FIU). On the SBC Blog from Abroad, he shares his Miami experiences.
Why did you choose this partner university?
I had already spent a semester abroad in the US during my Bachelor studies. Back then, I was at a rather small university in San Diego, California. Since I have never been to the East Coast of the US and missed the “college experience” during my first semester abroad, I decided to go to Florida International University in Miami.
How is the student life abroad different from your day to day life (both in school and outside) in Germany/ Munich?
During the semester abroad, I spent less time in the classroom, since I was only taking three courses, one of which was completely online. This means I spent more time working on my own in the library. In general, more things happen on campus like sports, extracurricular activities and even parties.
What was your best/ worst/ funniest experience abroad?
To be honest, it’s difficult for me to pick just one experience as the best. I had one of, if not the time of my life thanks to many unforgettable experiences.
How were the sports options at your partner university?
FIU offers several intramural sports which students can register for. I often played basketball or went to the recreation center with gym which is free of charge for students. I also attended nearly all basketball games and several baseball games of the university.
Which tips and recommendations do you have for future students at the partner university?
I was the only MBS Student who went to FIU in spring 2016. If you choose to go abroad with fellow students, try to make a lot of connections on campus. This doesn’t just create new opportunities for you but also shows you the real American college life.
What conclusions do you draw from your semester abroad and what are you taking with you for the future?
Time passed by too quickly. Still, I leave with with unforgettable memories and many new friendships. I’m sure it won’t be too long before I return.