On February 13, the British Consul-General in Munich, Paul Heardman, visited Munich Business School. As a Consul-General he runs the consulate in Munich which is part of the British Embassy in Berlin and represents the UK in Southern Germany (Bavaria and Baden Wurttemberg).
During his visit, Paul Heardman held a lecture on the most recent events in the UK – the Brexit. He gave an overview about the historical relationship between the UK and the rest of Europe starting with the end of WW II until UK’s joining of the EU in the early 70s. He then talked about the reasons why dissatisfaction with the EU membership arose among the UK citizens over the years and a general Euroscepticism in the UK leading to the 2016 Brexit referendum. He further explained the challenges of the withdrawal from the EU within the next two years – a very short period compared to 40 years of membership. The lecture ended with Mr. Heardman answering – often critical – questions of the MBS student about Brexit and a lively discussion.