The Business Project course in the Master International Business study program provides an opportunity for students to implement a concrete business project in cooperation with a real-life company or organization.
MBS students Xenia Heggemann and Nora Lauffer did their business project in support of the non-profit organization zkm (Zentrum für kindliche Mehrsprachigkeit e.V.) that is dedicated to providing children with a multilingual education. The zkm representatives had commissioned the student team to develop a “Commercialization Strategy for KIKUS digital (a language learning software licensed by the zkm) in Germany including recommendations on an improvement of the online marketing strategy”.
Now, Xenia and Nora presented their findings: During their business project work, the students had defined the target group for the users of the software, derived new, potential users, identified desired language trends for the (potential) users of KIKUS digital as well as new revenue streams and strategic commerzialisation options; furthermore, they did a holistic competitor analysis, developed an innovative business model approach for the retail of KIKUS digital and provided tips for posting effectively on social media.