In a joint effort, Munich Business School Professors Dr. Christian Schmidkonz, Dr. Patricia Kraft, and MBS Master International Business graduate Nicolas Stahlhofer have co-authored a textbook on “Conscious Business in Germany. Assessing the Current Situation and Creating an Outlook for a New Paradigm”. The book, which represents the first-ever publication on the topic of conscious business in Germany, has just been published by Springer International Publishing as part of their “CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance” series. The book is written in English, and available as hardcover as well as e-book.
According to the publisher, “(the) book presents conscious business as a constantly expanding and powerful approach to reinvent and shape organizations in a human and beneficial manner. In particular, it examines the core characteristics, main drivers, and challenges of conscious businesses in Germany. The book offers a structured overview of the current situation of the concept and outlines important issues that need to be considered in order to make independent decisions.”
In addition, “Conscious Business in Germany” features four case studies highlighting the approaches to conscious business by dm-drogerie markt, Vaude, Polarstern, and GLS Bank – four German companies united by the shared belief that their business models contribute to the elevation of humanity.
“The concept of conscious businesses is still nascent in Germany. Still, we believe it is crucial for the future of doing business to learn more about running a business based on pursuing a higher purpose, fostering a conscious culture and leadership, and creating collaborative ecosystems while being financially profitable,” says Prof. Dr. Christian Schmidkonz, who also developed the Conscious Business module, a mandatory course for students of the Master International Business program at MBS. “It was great to work together with Nicolas Stahlhofer and Patricia Kraft who represent the spirit of MBS in terms of designing new ideas for the future of doing business in a more conscious and economically more sustainable way.”
Nicolas Stahlhofer adds, “Already during my studies, the topic of conscious business drew my interest. I have since delved into it, and I am very proud of the outcome we have achieved together, especially as elevating consciousness in business is a key success factor in solving current and future global challenges, and creates the needed foundation for personal and professional progress.”
“Conscious Business in Germany. Assessing the Current Situation and Creating an Outlook for a New Paradigm” is available in the Springer web shop and via Amazon.
About the Authors
Nicolas Stahlhofer is a 2016 Munich Business School Master International Business graduate. He is now working for NTT DATA Deutschland GmbH, a leading, Munich-based consultancy firm specializing in business and IT consulting.
Prof. Dr. Christian Schmidkonz is Professor for International Business Administration and Managerial Economics at Munich Business School, and the Academic Director of the Master International Business study program. His research activities are focused on topics such as “Success Factor Happiness” and “Conscious Business”, amongst others.
Prof. Dr. Patricia Kraft is Professor for International Business at Munich Business School, and the Academic Director of the Bachelor International Business study program. In her research, she focuses on international marketing, digitization, and sustainable business topics.