Internationality has always been one of the core values of Munich Businss School (MBS) and regularly been attested by distinguished university rankings such as U-Multirank and CHE. Now, another study, conducted by the German Academic Exchange Service (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, DAAD) in cooperation with the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the German Rector’s Conference (Hochschulrektorenkonferenz, HRK), has proven MBS’ exceptional international orientation.
Amongst all smaller universities of applied sciences in Germany (121 institutions a maximum of 5,000 students), MBS ranks first in the category “Percentage of international study programs” (several key figures taken into account: number of study programs taught in English, number of international partner universities, dual degree options etc.), second in “International cooperations per professor”, and third in “Students with foreign nationality” (35.2 per cent).
Furthermore, MBS ranks fifth in the category “Graduates with foreign nationality”, and eighth in the category “Faculty members with foreign nationality”.
The German Academic Exchange Service and its cooperation partners have been collecting data for their study on “Internationality of German Universities” since 2006. The results have been published since 2009. Further information on the study are available here (German only).