“The Future of Learning” was the topic of the latest edition of the MBS Dine & Discuss event series, held for the 27th time on Wednesday, September 13, at traditional Bavarian restaurant Donisl in the city center of Munich. About 30 participants had joined the event on invitation of MBS Professor Dr. Barbara Scheck, Academic Director of the MBA General Management study program, amongst them MBA students as well as MBS faculty and staff. Dr. Alfred Gossner, the newly elected President of MBS, attended as well.
After the welcome speech by Prof. Dr. Scheck, Dr. Gossner was the first speaker of the evening to take the stage. In his speech, he focused not only on the future of personal learning, but organizational learning, as well. In addition, he eventually touched on subjects such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, disruptive developments that have changed the process of learning (internet, automated statistics, connectivity etc.), adaptive and analytical learning, and many more aspects.
Carin Ivrell, Marketing and Communication Director at Binogi, was the second speaker to share her expertise on the “Future of Learning”. She began her presentation by introducing the services of Binogi, an e-learning platform that, amongst others, supports teachers in imparting scientific knowledge in a comprehensible manner and helps immigrant children to learn German in a quicker way to speed up their integration. Accordingly, Ms. Ivrell focused on digital education in particular.
After the two presentations, the attendees engaged in a lively discussion on the “Future of Learning” before another inspiring Dine & Discuss event came to a close.