In the Global University Ranking U-Multirank published earlier this month, Munich Business School received a great result, achieving the top rank of all private universities of applied sciences in “Business Studies” in Germany. One of MBS’ strong suits was its performance in the ranking category “International Orientation”: Both the Bachelor and Master programs of MBS were rated “very good” in regard to their internationality, making MBS the 3rd best university of applied sciences throughout Germany at university level in this category.
U-Multirank has now published its “Top 25 Performers” lists by selected indicators from each of the five ranking dimensions (Research, Knowledge Transfer, International Orientation, Regional Engagement, Teaching & Learning). Like in the 2016 ranking, MBS is once again ranked as a “Top 25 Performer” for the “International Orientation – Student Mobility” indicator, achieving the 6th rank amongst 1,500 universities from all around the world investigated in the ranking.
According to U-Multirank, “(having) an international student body and offering students the opportunity to study part of their degree-programme abroad is an indication of the international orientation of a university. In order to provide a full picture of mobility and international exchange U-Multirank takes into account both incoming and outgoing mobility.”