Munich Business School has just released a new working paper on influencer marketing focusing on the perception of sportswear brands on Instagram. The paper is based on the thesis of 2017 Master Sports Business and Communication graduate Mona Parth, and co-authored by MBS Professor Dr. Patricia Kraft as well as Dr. Hanna Raif, lecturer at MBS and sports editor at Munich daily newspaper Münchner Merkur, where she is responsible for the coverage of FC Bayern München, amongst other things.
“This working paper is a showcase project as it perfectly illustrates what studying at MBS is all about,” comments Prof. Dr. Patricia Kraft, “Based on the knowledge and tools acquired in her marketing and methodology courses, Ms. Parth picked up the up-to-date topic of influencer marketing, and delved into it in her Master thesis. The outcome was great, so it was an easy decision for Ms. Raif and myself – being the superviosors of the thesis – to make a paper of it.”
The working paper, entitled “Influencer Marketing: Eine empirische Multimethodenanalyse zur Markenwahrnehmung von Sportmodenherstellern auf Instagram”, is available here.