The Munich Aids Concert, organized annually by the Münchener Kammerorchester (Munich Chamber Orchestra, MKO) and for the 12th time this year, has become established as one of Munich’s prime charity events. For the fifth consecutive year, the students of Munich Business School supported the Munich Aids Concert by organizing the raffle of the event.
Over the course of several months, a team of 20 Master International Business students had collected about 1,000 raffle prizes and organized the raffle itself. At the event, the students managed to successfully sell all of their 2,500 raffle tickets – making the concertgoers happy with amazing prizes such as signed jerseys of Bayern Munich as well as of the German national team, VIP tickets for events such as the BMW Open and Bayern Munich matches, hotel gift cards, sports equipment such as a pair of skis, and many more.
The proceedings of the raffle will be donated to the Münchner Aids-Hilfe (the Munich Aids Help Service), a local voluntary service committed to supporting Aids victims in Munich.
We are very proud of the committment and dedication of our students, who managed to organize the raffle alongside doing their studies. What a great accomplishment!
Munich Businss School wants to thank the following companies for contributing to the success of the event by generously donating raffle prizes:
55Eleven München / Adidas AG / Allgäu Skyline Park / Alois Dallmayr AG / anziehend München / Aquarello Restaurant / Arena One Gastronomie GmbH – Restaurant 181 / Auktionshaus Ursula Nusser / Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen / Bayerische Theaterakademie August Everding / Blu Professionals GmbH / Bücherei Glockenbach / Buchhandlung Hugendubel / Cafe Glockenbach / Café Regenbogen / Cafe Ruffini / Constantin Film AG / Deutsche Grammophon / Deutscher Fussball-Bund e.V. / Deutsches Jagd- und Fischereimuseum / Divan Patisserie / Edelobstbrennerei Stählemühle / Emilo Spezialitätenrösterei / Ernst & Young / Etienne Aigner AG / Faust-Festival München / FC Bayern München AG / Freilichtmuseum Schliersee / FWU AG / GHOTEL hotel & living / GOP Variete / Thomas Greinwald / Hard Rock Cafe München / Hauber – The Organic Hair Salon / helikon harmonia mundi gmbh / Heunec Plüschspielwarenfabrik GmbH & Co. KG / Hotel Vier Jahreszeiten Starnberg / Jonas Kaufmann / Kare GmbH / Kino am Olympiasee / Kletterwald GAP / Kuka AG / Kulturmagazin Applaus / Kunsthalle der Hypo-Kulturstiftung / La Villa Starnberg / Leo’s Sportsclub / Lipperts Friseure / Lodenfrey München am Dom / MADENA GmbH & Co. KG / Mövenpick Holding AG / München Ticket / Münchener Tierpark Hellabrunn AG / Münchner Feuilleton / Museum Mensch und Natur / Museum Villa Stuck / MyMuesli GmbH / NAXOS Deutschland / Offizielles Monatsprogramm München / Parker Outdoor Kletterwald / Peter Braun’s Keller / Peter Kölln GmbH & Co. KG / Prinzregenten Theater Gastronomie / Roda Weinhandlung / ROECKL Handschuhe & Accessoires GmbH & Co. KG / Romantik Hotel Sonne im Allgäu / Rossignol / RUFFINI Gaststätten GmbH / Schuhbecks Teatro / Sea Life München / Sheraton München Arabellapark Hotel / Skyline Park im Allgäu / Sprachinstitut München / Heinrich Graf von Spreti / Sony Classical / Staatliches Museum Ägyptischer Kunst / Steigenberger Hotel München / The Westin Grand München / Theater Augsburg / TOBS Naturkosmetik / Völklinger Kreis, Regionalgruppe München / Vollaths Tagescafé / VollCorner Biomarkt GmbH / Walt Disney Company / Warner Classics / Wasmeier Freilichtmuseum / Weingut Ernst Triebaumer / Weingut Künstler / Wilkinson Sword / Wonnemar