For the first time, MBS was able to place itself in the international QS University rankings. The Master International Business program was ranked 91st among the Master in Management programs. Only 8 Master programs from Germany are represented in the 135 programs in the ranking. In the “Return on Investment” indicator, the program ranks 24th worldwide and 4th among German universities.
The full-time MBA International Management program is also included in the Global MBA Ranking for the first time as one of only 7 programs in Germany. Also here the studies pay off: In terms of return on investment, Munich Business School ranks second in Germany and 61st out of 251 universities represented worldwide.
“We are pleased about the increased international visibility of the MBS,” said MBS Dean Professor Dr. Stefan Baldi. “The fact that we were the only university of applied sciences in Germany to be able to place ourselves shows that the quality of our offerings can compete well with internationally renowned universities. In the future we will continue to work hard to further improve our quality and to make it internationally visible. We will continue to strengthen the profile of MBS as one of the most international business schools in Germany and continue to emphasize practical relevance.”