MBS Ranked “Global Top 25 Performing University” in Student Mobility
The latest edition of the independent global university ranking U-Multirank, published on June 4, 2019, confirms Munich Business School (MBS) as the best private university of applied sciences for business studies in Germany. MBS achieves particularly convincing results in the ranking categories “International Orientation” and “Teaching & Learning (Students’ Views)”, and is – for the 4th consecutive time – amongst the “Global Top 25 Performing Universities” in student mobility.
Internationality has always been one of Munich Business School’s standout characteristics, which the experts of U-Multirank once again confirm by assessing top grades to the international orientation of MBS’s Bachelor and Master programs while also giving good grades for the opportunities offered to MBS students to study abroad.
As a result, MBS is ranked amongst the top 10 of all German universities offering business studies in the “International Orientation” category, and a global top 25 performer for student mobility.
“Open Border Universities Perform Better in Knowledge Transfer, Research Impact and Education”
As a side note, the U-Multirank experts pronounce that – according to their findings – “’Open border’ universities perform better than universities with low international exchange in the areas of knowledge transfer, research impact and education. (…) Additionally, students of open border universities are more satisfied with their overall learning experience.”
MBS Is Germany’s Prime Private University of Applied Sciences for Business Studies
The outstanding results of Munich Business School’s international orientation, combined with the results of the other ranking categories – Teaching and Learning, Research, Knowledge Transfer, and Regional Engagement – make MBS the best private university of applied sciences for business studies in Germany when taking into account all ranking indicators. Thereby, MBS maintains its top position already achieved in U-Multirank’s 2017 and 2018 editions.
MBS Students Value Quality of Teaching and Learning
Apart from its notable international orientation, it is the “Teaching & Learning” ranking category in which MBS stands out the most. Here, current MBS students were interviewed on their overall learning experience, the quality of courses and teaching, organization of the program, contact with teachers, inclusion of work/practical experience, library facilities, IT provision, and room facilities. The MBS students rated their university with “good” in 7 of the 8 aforementioned criteria.
“It is our very claim to provide each and every single one of our students – from Bachelor to MBA level – with a state-of-the-art learning experience, and to prepare them for an international business career in an optimal way. The insights taken from the U-Multirank university ranking not only confirm our educational approach, but also enable us to build on, and to further improve our study programs,” says Professor Dr. Stefan Baldi, Dean of Munich Business School.
About the U-Multirank University Ranking
Since 2014, U-Multirank, the biggest independent global university ranking, has been evaluating universities in the five categories “Teaching & Learning”, “Research”, “Knowledge Transfer”, “International Orientation”, and “Regional Engagement”. In its current sixth edition, the ranking experts examined and rated 1,711 universities in 96 countries. In the “Business Studies” subject area, 493 universities were assessed, amongst them 46 German ones. The evaluation also included the results of a students’ survey with over 100,000 participants.
The complete 2019 U-Multirank University Ranking is available here.