On Saturday, March 30, Munich Business School (MBS) once again bade farewell to over 150 Bachelor, Master, and MBA graduates at the MBS Graduation Ceremony & Gala 2019. In the morning, the new MBS alumni received their diplomas, in the evening they celebrated at the grand Graduation Gala in the ballroom of Hotel Bayerischer Hof, one of Munich’s most traditional and premier venues.
The Graduation Ceremony began at EY’s Munich offices, at which MBS traditionally awards its graduates their diplomas. Professor Dr. Stefan Baldi, Dean of MBS, welcomed the graduates and their friends and family members, and congratulated them on their graduation.
The graduates then received their diplomas, and collectively celebrated the “Throwing of the Caps”, a vital part of any graduation ceremony.
As the sun set, it was time for the MBS Graduation Gala at one of Munich’s most venerable establishments, the Hotel Bayerischer Hof. In a festive atmosphere, the graduates seized the opportunity to celebrate their graduation with fellow students, friends, and family. The guests were once again welcomed by Professor Dr. Stefan Baldi, followed by Dr. Alfred Gossner, President of MBS, who also sent his congratulations to the graduates, and subsequently delivered a speech on ethics in digitization.
Doing Good: MBS and Its Graduates Support NO LIMITS Education Project
MBS has been supporting a local Munich welfare service every year in the framework of its Graduation Gala. This time, MBS gladly donated a € 2,300 check to NO LIMITS, an education project organized by the charitable organization DEIN MÜNCHEN, which is supporting underprivileged kids and young people by enabling them to take part in educational, cultural, and sports events. During the evening, the donation total was raised to almost double the amount – thanks to the generous donations of the graduates and their friends and families.
Afterwards, the guests enjoyed a delicious three-course menu, which was only interrupted by the graduation speeches of the study programs’ valedictorians.
Following the official part of the event, the guests continued the festive day with dancing and music, highlighted by the performance of Master International Business graduate Dana Bailey, a passionate and gifted singer, who took the opportunity to perform some songs – and was eventually joined by MBS alumnus Denis Day, former member of the infamous MBS Band.
Congratulations to all our graduates, and all the best for your professional and private future! Special thanks go to EY for once again supporting the MBS Graduation Ceremony & Gala.