At regular intervals, MBS organizes so called Brown Bag Seminars to provide its professors with an opportunity to present their current research activities to fellow faculty members and other MBS employees.
This time, it was on MBS Professor Dr. Ellen Schmid, Professor for Responsible Leadership, to share what she has been working on for the last few years.
In her 30 minutes short presentation »Me, myself and I: Self-interested leadership and narcissists in leadership positions« Prof. Dr. Ellen Schmid gave insights about the exploiting leadership in organizations. She went more closely into the narcissistic leader, and which characteristics they possess. Moreover she talked about examining the relationship between leader narcissism and team performance.
We are looking forward to the next brown bag with Research Associate Friederike Habbel: »Life in the bubble: Competency development during a semester abroad« on December 10, 2019, 12:30 pm.
Many thanks to Professor Dr. Schmid for sharing her interesting insights about narcissists in the executive chair!