Giulia Parola, Research Associate at Munich Business School was invited to participate in the first annual thematic seminar of Active Youth projects on 25 and 26 November 2019 in Brussels. The seminar brought together representatives of the 26 projects financed by the EEA and Norway Grants “Fund for Youth Employment” with the aim of analyzing the status of youth employment challenges and youth employment policies in Europe.
Giulia took part in the „Baseline Study Workshop“ on 25 November representing Munich Business School, one of the expertise partners in the consortium managing the project YES! Young entrepreneurs succeed. YES! is a trust-based partnership engaging 8 public and private institutions from Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Spain, and the United Kingdom with wide experience in promoting entrepreneurship among underserved youth.
The Baseline Study at the centre of the workshop in Brussels is a 40-page document providing a synthesis of the status of youth employment issues. The work in the context of the baseline study has been coordinated by a Spanish Youth Employment Expert, Iván Martín, who has chosen Giulia, seen on the left in the picture, as one of the contributors. The Baseline Study will be published as an Annex of the Youth Employment Online Magazine at the beginning of next year.
While the baseline study will allow for a comparative analysis of youth employment challenges in Europe, the seminar’s goal was also to strengthen the sense of community of Active Youth projects. Being part of this team, Munich Business School is happy to be considered one of the experts in promoting entrepreneurship among youth.