Usually, they go to the trash can, but you can also save lives with them: we are talking about bottle caps. Since 2014, the non-profit association Deckel drauf, founded by German Rotary members, has been collecting those caps, selling them to a recycling company, and using the proceeds to support the End Polio Now initiative.
The goal of “End Polio Now” is to eradicate polio worldwide. For every 500 caps collected, one child in Afghanistan, Pakistan, or Nigeria receives a Polio vaccination. Only in these three countries is the disease still present.
On the initiative of MBS Professor Dr. Arnd Albrecht (left on the picture above), MBS faculty and staff members collected thousands of bottle caps during the last semester alone, and handed them over to the Wörthsee Rotary Club. As can be seen in the picture above, club president Rainer Wertenauer (r.) took the delivery of the caps with pleasure.
Many thanks to Prof. Dr. Albrecht and to all caps collectors!