Sound, ambitious, and practice-oriented teaching has always been the educational focus at Munich Business School, representing the decisive difference in education and studies. Consequently, the Senate of Munich Business School elected MBS Professor Dr. Patricia Kraft the new Vice Dean for Learning and Teaching in its last meeting. The focus on modern teaching methods and contents is thus gaining further importance at MBS, and is to be expanded and intensified across all study programs.
Dr. Patricia Kraft has been Professor of International Business at MBS since 2014, and Academic Program Director of the Bachelor International Business program since 2016. Since 2019, she has been part of the Excellence Network for Higher Education Teaching (Lehren-Dachprogramm). Her professional background is in international marketing and strategic planning, so that she also lectures in these areas. Her duties as Vice Dean for Learning and Teaching will initially focus on the international accreditation efforts of MBS, but will also include the digitization of teaching and other aspects.
“With Dr. Patricia Kraft as the new Vice Dean, we have a perfect concurrence in the areas of innovative teaching, comprehensive experience in program management, as well as enthusiasm and assertiveness for new projects in teaching and learning projects,” says Professor Dr. Stefan Baldi, Dean of MBS. “We are very pleased that by electing Dr. Patricia Kraft the new Vice Dean, even more new impetuses will be implemented at MBS”.