From 2010 to 2013 Alexander Gründler completed his Bachelor’s degree in International Business at Munich Business School. After his Master studies in Lisbon, Copenhagen and Sydney and several years in consulting, he co-founded the company Careloop in July 2019. Careloop is an online recruitment platform that supports foreign health and nursing professionals in their job search and links them with German employers. Martina Dengler, Alumni Relations Manager at MBS, spoke with Alexander Gründler about his studies at MBS and his career path.
Martina Dengler: After many years in Consulting, why did you decide to found your own company? And why the health care sector?
Alexander Gründler: Since studying at MBS I knew that I will found my own company eventually. However, I decided to gain some work experience first. There is no better way than consulting to learn as much as possible in the beginning of a business career. Among others I had the pleasure to work on several health care projects. This is why I decided to found Careloop and become an entrepreneur in the booming and changing health care sector.
Martina Dengler: What are the biggest challenges you are facing right now? Are the skills and knowledge you acquired at MBS important for you?
Alexander Gründler: Our biggest challenges are finding the right talent for our unique business model, dealing with authorities and leading them on the way to digitalization and of course grow as fast and as sustainable as possible at the same time. I am responsible for sales and partnerships – my time at MBS helped with pitching my start-up and in dealing with different stakeholders of various cultures and backgrounds.
Martina Dengler: You worked and studied on nearly every continent. How did you manage this and would you say that MBS helped you to acquire this very international mindset?
Alexander Gründler: Good questions. This is something I am really proud of and what differentiates me from most of my peers. I think commitment and the just do attitude are key. By the way these two attributes are also a must as an entrepreneur. Back in the days the whole program structure and the peer group at MBS definitely helped me to develop this open minded and pragmatic mindset.
Martina Dengler: Do you have any tips or advice in general for current and prospective students?
Alexander Gründler: General tips are always difficult. If I have to pick one, I would always advise and encourage students to identify their own talents in order to base their decisions on. DO NOT listen to what the mass is saying. Only if you are able to stand out you can achieve a true impact.