Munich Business School (MBS) receives institutional accreditation from the German Council of Science and Humanities for another five years. With the renewed accreditation, the Council of Science and Humanities certifies that MBS offers a high-quality range of programs that meet recognized scientific standards.
“With the institutional reaccreditation the Council of Science and Humanities has once again awarded our university and the study programs taught here its seal of quality”, says Prof. Dr. Stefan Baldi, Dean of MBS. “We are delighted about this award and see it as confirmation of our daily work. At the same time, the reaccreditation further encourages us on to continuously develop ourselves as an educational and research institution”.
MBS convinces with its concentration on core competencies, internationality and practical orientation
In February 2020, a working group appointed by the Council of Science and Humanities visited Munich Business School to review the quality and performance of the university. This review is based primarily on an evaluation of the performance in teaching and research as well as the resources used for this purpose and those earmarked for the planned further development of the university. The resulting evaluation report recognizes the stable range of courses offered at MBS, with which the university concentrates on its core competence. The cooperation with business enterprises, institutes of further education and numerous foreign partner universities underline the aspects of practical orientation and internationality that are particularly emphasized in the mission statement and profile presentation. The committee also recognises that the university has noticeably developed the research framework conditions since the last accreditation, among other things by further expanding the number of professorial positions in recent years. The quality and quantity of the research achievements meet the requirements of an application-oriented university with Master’s programmes.
Accreditation – a quality feature
As the first private university in Bavaria ever, MBS was institutionally accredited for the first time by the Council of Science and Humanities in 2010. After the accreditation period expires, the committee repeats the evaluation of the certified performance in re-accreditation procedures. A working group of the Council of Science and Humanities checks whether the university is still able to provide teaching and research according to recognized scientific standards. In addition, the material and personnel resources of the university, its financing and other parameters are reviewed. The first reaccreditation of MBS took place in 2015, and now the university has received the renewed institutional reaccreditation.
In addition to the accreditation by the German Council of Science and Humanities, Munich Business School also has state recognition. The Bavarian State Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts granted this recognition to MBS in 1999, followed by unlimited state recognition in 2010. Here, too, MBS was the first private university in Bavaria to achieve this.
In addition to institutional accreditation, all study programs offered at Munich Business School have program accreditation from FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation). Furthermore the university is in the international accreditation process of the renowned AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business).