In addition to Rita Niedermayr, the MBS Advisory Board receives further growth and is now also supported by Anna Kopp, IT Director Germany and Regional Office Lead Munich HQ at Microsoft GmbH as well as Board Member of the Microsoft Women’s Network Germany since September 1, 2020. After numerous events with Microsoft and Anna Kopp − particularly in the area of Women in Leadership − and the conclusion of a strategic partnership with Microsoft in April of this year, the membership in the MBS Advisory Board is the next step of an intensive cooperation.
Expertise in the IT Sector and Engagement for Socially Relevant Topics
Anna Kopp studied International Communication at the International Business Institute of Stockholm University and decided to move to Germany after her studies. She has been working in the IT industry since 1993 and has held positions in sales, operations and management. Anna Kopp has been working at Microsoft for 16 years, since 2015 as IT Director, driving business processes and technology in Germany, and since 2017 she has also been managing the headquarter in Schwabing. In addition to her work in the IT sector, the native Swede also performs as a singer, speaker, moderator and blogger, inspiring her audience with her open and authentic nature. Topics that she is passionate about include the cultural side of digital transformation and supporting women in leadership positions.
When Munich Business School asked about membership in the MBS Advisory Board, Anna Kopp did not have to think twice: “When MBS asked if I would like to join the Advisory Board, I was very pleased. After a few years of working together, I got to know Munich Business School as an organization that on the one hand offers top education in the field of applied sciences in a very professional manner and on the other hand focuses on diversity and inclusion. We already have several alumni working with us who found a position at Microsoft after their studies, and they are all top talents. I am looking forward to the personal, close, dynamic and very flexible collaboration with this university with heart!”
Innovative Impulses for the Development of Future Strategies
The Advisory Board of Munich Business School is made up of proven experts from business, society and education and advises the university in the development of its academic profile and future strategies. This includes, in particular, strategic advice and constructive, yet critical support in issues of teaching, research and continuing education. On the one hand, the focus is on a constructive dialogue on the future requirements of business and society for university graduates. On the other hand, the aim is to identify important future topics for research and to promote the transfer of research results into practice.
“With Anna Kopp we are winning an extraordinary personality for the MBS Advisory Board. As an executive of one of the most successful global IT companies, but also as a thought leader and advocate for modern and flexible forms of work as well as diversity and inclusion, she embraces the same values as MBS and will provide us with important innovative impulses in her new role,” says Nathalie von Seyfried, Chancellor of Munich Business School, delighted to have won Anna Kopp as a new member of the Advisory Board.