The blog article provides an overview of the latest publication and research activities of the MBS professors.

Already in April this year, MBS Professor Dr. Sophie Hieke published a scientific article together with Prof. Dr. Klaus G. Grunert from the Danish Aaarhus University in the Ernährungsumschau, the leading magazine for nutrition experts in Germany. In their article titled “Wie entscheiden wir, was wir essen?” Hieke and Grunert focus on the motives why people choose certain foods (food choice motives). Since decisions in connection with food often take place subconsciously and are therefore difficult to research, the two scientists suggest the way via the consumers’ personal value system: As consumers, we attest food goals that we want to achieve with its help. These goals or value attitudes can then in turn be related to product characteristics through the perceived consequences that consumption of the product triggers in the consumer. The complete article can be read here.
In their paper “The role of purpose in consumer choice: a comparison between baby boomers and millennials in Germany with a focus on sustainability and consciousness”, MBS Professor Dr. Patricia Kraft, MBS Professor Dr. Christian Schmidkonz, and MBS Alumna Isabelle Rennollet explore the role of purpose in consumer choices. The empirical analysis of nearly 300 consumers from the baby boomers’ and millenials’ generations confirms the observation that hyperconsumption is receding more into the background and consumers identify more with sustainable and conscious consumption. Purpose is an important criterion for a purchase decision, although other criteria such as quality or value for money are more important. Furthermore, the three scientists found that there are more similarities than differences between the two generations mentioned above. The full paper, which was published in the World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, can be read here.

The new practitioner’s handbook “Branchenspezifisches Controlling.
Praxishandbuch der Besonderheiten und Entwicklungen mit State-of-the-Art und Unternehmensbeispielen” (scheduled for publication in December 2020) by MBS Professor Dr. Thomas Röhm, edited jointly with Prof. Dr. Alexander Burger and Prof. Dr. Susanne Weber, offers academics and practitioners a practice-oriented introduction to the development of controlling from an industry and company-specific perspective. Based on practical examples from various industries eleven articles explain specific controlling instruments and take a closer look at core business issues, such as dynamic business development, cost reduction or strengthening financial and human resources, which serve to ensure the success of a company. With its practice and solution-oriented approach, this anthology also fills a gap in the current literature on controlling and encourages experts from science and practice to engage in further research and publication activities. The volume can be pre-ordered here.