Human resources managers of German companies once again confirm that graduates of Munich Business School (MBS) are among the most sought-after young professionals among employers. In the university ranking 2020 of WirtschaftsWoche, MBS occupies fourth place among all German universities of applied sciences in the field of business administration and can thus further expand its rankings from previous years.
The WirtschaftsWoche university ranking is conducted annually by the employer branding consultancy Universum and is based on the perspective of HR decision-makers in German companies. In 2020, the consultants asked around 600 HR managers from which universities and universities of applied sciences the graduates they are particularly keen to hire come from. The ranking thus reflects the vote of “those who graduates have to convince when they move from university to the corporate world”. Since information and results provided by the universities themselves are not included in the evaluation, the ranking is considered to be particularly independent.
This makes it all the more gratifying that Munich Business School takes fourth place among all German universities of applied sciences in the field of business administration in this year’s edition and was thus also voted the best private business school in Germany. For the eleventh time in a row, MBS is now in the top ten in this category; no other private university has this continuity. Compared to previous years, Munich Business School was even able to improve its ranking in 2020.
“We are very pleased with the renewed positive results in the WirtschaftsWoche University Ranking 2020 and I would like to thank all MBS employees, faculty, students and alumni who contributed to this great ranking. Carry on like this!,” says Prof. Dr. Stefan Baldi, Dean of Munich Business School.
Practice orientation as a decisive feature for the outstanding performance in the WirtschaftsWoche university ranking 2020
The decisive factor for the HR managers’ evaluation is certainly the high practical relevance of the study programs, on which Munich Business School has always placed a special focus. In the WirtschaftsWoche article on the university ranking 2020, career advisor Lisa Steinhauser urgently advises students and career starters to “establish and maintain contacts beyond universities and scientific institutes”. Thanks to a great network of representatives from business and industry, Munich Business School is able to give its students insights into the practical side of business at an early stage and provide them with a list of important contacts that can be used for their career paths.
“The WirtschaftsWoche university ranking shows that our practice-oriented teaching pays off and that we prepare our students optimally for the job market with our professors from the business world and by working on case studies. I am also very pleased with the result in the university ranking, it is a fantastic confirmation of our teaching concept”, states Prof. Dr. Patricia Kraft, Vice Dean for Teaching and Learning at MBS.
The complete WirtschaftsWoche university ranking can be read online here (premium content).

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Master’s in International Business
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Doctor of Business Administration