Munich Business School celebrates its 30th anniversary this year with a wide range of online events. The central element of the anniversary activities are public speaker events with company representatives from Bosch, Telefónica, Microsoft and the Otto Group on forward-looking topics in the world of work.
The year 2021 marks the 30th university anniversary of Munich Business School (MBS). Since a large physical celebration cannot be held due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the private business school shifts its anniversary activities into the virtual space. At the heart of the online activities are speaker events with representatives of various prominent companies, to which not only students, lecturers, employees or other people from the circle of friends of MBS, but also the general public is cordially invited. The moderated talks or keynote speeches address current and future-oriented topics of the working world that are also related to the values and programs of Munich Business School, such as innovation, digitalization, sustainability, entrepreneurship or women in leadership.
Public speaker events with representatives of prominent companies
On June 1, Tobias Krüger, Division Manager Kulturwandel 4.0 (Culture Change) at the Otto Group, will talk about the restructuring process in response to increasing digitalization at one of the world’s leading retail groups. Another guest on September 14 will be Chief Consumer Officer (CCO) of Telefónica Deutschland Holding AG Wolfgang Metze to demonstrate how digital innovations can contribute to a more sustainable world. Telefónica is one of the most sustainable companies in Germany. On November 9, Vera Schneevoigt, Chief Digital Officer (CDO) at Bosch, will discuss the topics of digital transformation and Women in Tech. Further events, for example with Microsoft on the topic of innovation, are being planned. Registration for the events takes place via the MBS website.
In addition to looking into the future, the university also looks back on 30 years of MBS history in the course of its anniversary. At the kick-off event “30 Years MBS: A Walk Down Memory Lane With Alumni and Professors” on April 26 at 5:30 p.m., MBS alumni, lecturers and staff members from the very beginning will come together virtually to indulge in memories and provide answers to the questions of what studying at the university was actually like in the past, what has changed, but perhaps also what has remained the same.
30th anniversary landing page provides overview of university history
The online offering is complemented by a special anniversary landing page, where visitors can click through the various stages of the university – from its founding in 1991 as Europäische Betriebswirtschafts-Akademie, to the expansion of its study programs, to its institutional reaccreditation by the German Council of Science and Humanities in 2020. On its social media channels, the university relives past times with #throwback posts, quizzes and alumni portraits.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Baldi, Dean of Munich Business School since 2002, looks forward to the 30th anniversary:
“Of course it is a pity that we cannot celebrate the 30th anniversary of our university on site with many guests. But I am happy that we can take interested people as well as supporters and friends of MBS on a time travel into the past as well as into the future with our innovative online program!”

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