A new contribution on youth (un)employment by Giulia Parola, research associate at Munich Business School, has recently been published in a peer-reviewed academic journal.
Giulia Parola authored an article aimed at constructing four alternative scenarios for the future of youth employment in Italy. A year after Italians first heard of it, COVID-19 is not only still around, but it evolved from a public health emergency to a global economic crisis whose implications on the labor market will be far-reaching. As time passes, uncertainty regarding the future of jobs and the economy increases, especially among the most vulnerable groups such as young people ‘Not in Education, Employment, or Training’ (NEETs).

The research was conducted to shed light on policy options in the Italian labor market context and should be seen as a contribution of the academic community in response to the current emergency. Although all four scenarios foresee a negative impact of the crisis on the labor market, the work shows how the government, its agencies, and supranational institutions might mitigate adverse effects by designing and implementing youth skills interventions. The paper entitled “Escape from parents’ basement? Post COVID-19 scenarios for the future of youth employment in Italy” appeared in Quaderni di Economia del Lavoro (or Labour Economics Papers).
The article was written in the context of the project Young Entrepreneurs Succeed (YES!), funded by the EEA and Norway Grant Fund for Youth Employment, an instrument established to contribute to sustainable and quality youth employment in Europe.
The full research paper can be purchased here. A summary of the article can be found on page 20 of the “Baseline Study – Update” available here.