Can a DBA Use the Dr. Title?

African American manager reading documents in folder.

Applicants are often uncertain about the outcome of their DBA program. One of the more common concerns relates to whether or not DBA makes you a doctor. In today’s blog, I will zoom in on the program offered by Munich Business School in collaboration with Sheffield Hallam University and answer the question: “Can a DBA use the Dr. title?”

Brexit posed many question marks over how the relationship between the European Union and United Kingdom will look like. The education sector also became affected and applicants began inquiring about the validity of their doctor titles in Europe and Germany. Government action cleared any doubts and confirmed that doctorate titles awarded in Britain have an equal status to those awarded in the European Union.

Can a DBA hold the Dr. title?

Okay, but can a DBA use the Dr. title? The DBA is after all a relatively fresh degree, and one could expect that employers will not consider it on par with a typical PhD. However, from experience it appears that employers value the practical approach of DBA’s and very often support their employees on earning this degree. In most cases it’s thanks to the “product” that helps those companies improve their organization, products or services, hence they have a real interest in helping their employees.

DBA is a structurally different program to a PhD but enables you to use the Dr. title. The degree awarded by Sheffield Hallam University has been officially recognized here in Germany and its recognition is an easy process as experienced by one of our graduates, Dr. Or Sela: “Upon graduating from the DBA program, I took my certifications to the local discrict administration office (Kreisverwaltungsreferat) and they have amended their records to reflect my new title. There was no issue at all due to Brexit.” From then on, once the administrative procedures end, a graduate of DBA can use the Dr. title.

Does a DBA make me a doctor?

In short, it does. Despite its taught content, DBA is a research degree that results in a doctorate and therefore DBA makes you a doctor. How about when I move to another country? In that case, it’s important to check government advice of a specific country however in Europe it appears that graduates of DBA can use the Dr. title. Furthermore, in the case of program delivered by Munich Business School, this title does not require graduates to add any disclaimers that they have obtained it through a DBA program which may be the case for some other program.

In summary, DBA program is a fully recognized research degree of the highest standing on the educational ladder. Graduating from it means you become a doctor and can use the Dr. title. At Munich Business School, the award is issued in collaboration with Sheffield Hallam University, however, the recognition of this award and changing titles is a hassle-free process. This entails that you can complete your doctoral studies whilst living and working here in Germany, without the need to worry if your title will be recognized.

The author is responsible for the content and form of the article.

"Doctorate in Business" Banner; DBA program at Munich Business School

Would you like to scientifically research a current economic issue within the framework of a doctorate without having to leave your professional career?
The part-time Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program at Munich Business School and Sheffield Hallam University (SHU) is just right for you! See for yourself: Doctor of Business Administration

Maciej Kapron
About Maciej Kapron 32 Articles
Maciej Kapron has been a Study Advisor as well as Program Manager for the MBA programs at Munich Business School since June 2023. Previously, he was also responsible for the DBA program. He holds a BA in Diplomacy with Law and an MSc in International Management from Loughborough University and completed part of his degree at Universidade Catolica Portuguesa in Lisbon. During his MSc degree, he focused on marketing, specifically within the area of brand management and services marketing however, in his thesis he evaluated entry strategies to new markets of a global automotive manufacturer.