Munich Business School achieved predominantly above-average scores in various categories in the multidimensional CHE University Ranking for 2023/24. Both student responses and factual analysis highlighted aspects such as the support for new students, the contact with professional practice, the use of digital teaching elements and the practical orientation of teaching as particularly positive.
The results of the CHE University Ranking 2023/24 had been eagerly awaited. Unlike conventional university rankings, wich provide a conventional “ranking of the best universities”, the CHE ranking provides a detailed analysis of the university landscape in Germany and Austria – broken down according to various criteria, with an exclusively subject-related approach and based on a sophisticated methodology.
Factual criteria: Munich Business School among leading pack in relation to support for new students and professional connections
Part of the CHE University Ranking is based on facts and descriptive information derived from publicly available data sources and departmental surveys. For the current edition of the rankings, CHE identified and evaluated 16 such categories for universities of applied sciences. In three out of a total of five categories used to classify the universities into performance groups, Munich Business School (MBS) placed in the top group. These were support at the beginning of studies and contact with professional practice – the latter for both Bachelor’s and Master’s-level study. Munich Business School followed on from successes in recent years by scoring 13 out of 16 points in the support at the beginning of studies category. In terms of contact with professional practice, MBS improved on its excellent results from the 2020 ranking, with the four MBS Master’s programs each receiving 10 out of 12 points and the Bachelor’s program in International Business recording a perfect score.
Details of the student survey for the CHE University Ranking 2023/24
The CHE University Ranking is considered the most multidimensional analysis of its type in Germany. In addition to facts and descriptive information, it also considers the views of professors and students to provide a more nuanced picture.
In the CHE University Ranking for 2023/24, students were able to give their opinion in 15 evaluation categories: general study situation, curriculum, study organization, support from teaching staff, support during studies, exam organization, library facilities, university premises and facilities, IT infrastructure, digital teaching elements, introduction to academic work, support for stays abroad, practical orientation of teaching, career orientation services and practical phase. In all 15 categories, MBS students voted their alma mater into the leading groups – with values scores above or at least on par with the averages for all universities. Only a handful of German universities achieved such a positive result for business-related studies.
MBS students particularly value the organization of exams, digital and practice-oriented teaching elements, and other core aspects of a university study
MBS achieved particular impressive average scores for the following criteria:
- Support during studies (4.5 vs. 4.1 for all universities)
- Examination organization (4.5 vs. 4.0 for all universities)
- Digital teaching elements (4.4 vs. 4.0 for all universities)
- Introduction to academic work (4.5 vs. 4.1 for all universities)
- Practical orientation of teaching (4.6 vs. 4.2 for all universities)
- Career orientation services (4.6 vs. 4.1 for all universities)
- Practical phase (4.5 vs. 4.1 for all universities)
In the support during studies category, Munich Business School received a rating far above the average with regard to support for networking among students (4.5 vs. 3.9 for all universities). In terms of exam organization, students particularly appreciate the opportunities to repeat exams (4.6 vs. 3.9 for all universities) and the timing of exam dates (4.5 vs. 3.8 for all universities). The information events about careers, held on a regular basis by the MBS Career Center, have also been well received by students, resulting in an above-average score (4.6 vs. 4.0 for all universities). The overall rating for career orientation services was also impressive with no other private university of applied sciences in Germany outperforming MBS in this area.
“The student survey is a fundamental component of the CHE University Ranking. The university management is pleased that we were able to encourage numerous students to cast their votes. Their assessments are significant for us in two respects. On the one hand, they show us where the university’s efforts in recent years have already paid dividend. I am particularly proud of our above-average performance in relation to digital teaching elements, which were evaluated for the first time. The special CHE survey during the COVID-19 pandemic had already given us reason to be cheerful in this regard. However, we are delighted that we were able to maintain or even improve our performance and that some students made special mention of the digital teaching elements separately in the survey’s comments section. On the other hand, the student survey also provides us with information about adjustments we need to make in the future to further improve the study experience. We can’t lose sight of that,” said Dean Dr. Stefan Baldi, as he summed Munich Business School’s performance in the CHE University Ranking for 2023/24.

You are interested in economics and want to acquire in-depth business know-how?
Then the international business degrees at Munich Business School (MBS) are just right for you! At MBS you won’t cram dry theory from old textbooks, but learn in a outcome-oriented way and gain valuable practical experience. Convince yourself:
Bachelor’s in International Business
Master’s in International Business
Master’s in International Business I Finance
Master’s in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Master’s in International Marketing and Brand Management
Master’s in Sports Business and Communication
MBA General Management
Doctor of Business Administration