The Stifterverband’s Gründungsradar ranking examines the promotion of entrepreneurship at German universities. In the current 2022 edition, Munich Business School ranks a strong twelfth among small universities, making it the best Bavarian university of applied sciences of this size.
How important is entrepreneurship at German universities? Are there enough start-up networks and what does entrepreneurship training look like in detail? The Gründungsradar provides answers to these and other questions about entrepreneurship at universities. In its sixth edition, published on February 15, 2023, the Germany-wide ranking of the Stifterverband shows upward trends in all areas examined.
Munich Business School (MBS) is also on an upward trend. After its first mention in the Gründungsradar 2020, the university improves its score by more than 8 points in the current ranking edition and thus receives the rating “exemplary performance” in terms of promoting entrepreneurship for the first time. For better comparability, the universities – almost 200 were included in 2022 – are divided into three groups based on their size. In the group of small universities (up to 5,000 students), Munich Business School takes a strong twelfth place among the 64 universities listed. This also makes it the best Bavarian university of applied sciences and the second-best Bavarian university in this size category. Comparing the small private universities with each other, Munich Business School ranks sixth.
Gründungsradar 2022: Munich Business School shows particular strength in terms of anchoring of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship training, and monitoring and evaluation
In total, the Gründungsradar 2022 examined six different modules, each with several indicators to measure founding support: anchoring of entrepreneurship, sensitization to entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship training, entrepreneurship support, entrepreneurship activities, monitoring and evaluation, and entrepreneurship networks. MBS ranks eighth in both the anchoring of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurip training categories, placing it among the top 10 performers in its size category. In the module monitoring and evaluation in the promotion of entrepreneurship, MBS receives the maximum score of 10.0, as do 15 other small universities.
Prof. Dr. Stefan Baldi, Dean of Munich Business School, is pleased with the performance in Gründungsradar 2022: “The fact that we, as one of the smallest among the small universities, were able to improve our ranking by five positions compared to 2020 is a great progress and the result of many efforts. My thanks go to all our entrepreneurship enthusiastic professors, the MBS Entrepreneurship Club and our alumni founders for being great role models and driving entrepreneurship at MBS. The Gründungsradar 2022 shows that the Munich university landscape has a high level of entrepreneurship support. On the one hand, this naturally creates competition, but on the other hand, it also motivates us to become even better in the next survey!”
The full results of the Gründungsradar can be found here.

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