Browse through our archive and read older articles about our degree programmes, our students and our main research areas of Business, Management and Digitalisation.

Farewell Party for Exchange Students

November 27, 2015

Never say goodbye because saying goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting -Peter Pan Some impressions from the event organized by the MBS International Center:

10 Years MBA at MBS

November 26, 2015

We just had a great evening celebrating the 10th anniversary of the MBS MBA program with a keynote by Dr. Fritz Fröschl.

Sixt: Past – Present – Future

November 24, 2015

Sixt board member Konstantin Sixt gave an inspiring talk about branding, corporate culture and the future of mobility at MBS and was open for an interesting discussion.

MBS Students Organize Charity Concert

November 21, 2015

As part of their social service project MBS Bachelor students organized a Kids4Kids charity concert to raise funds for orphonages in Lithuania. Great musicians for a good cause.

No Fear of the Void – The Courage to Disconnect!

November 20, 2015

No fear of the void – the courage to disconnect! Yet another message via WhatsApp, two emails to send, the news portal to check, and another SMS must be quickly sent; and where actually is […]

Marketing in a Digital Global World

November 20, 2015

Yesterday evening, our students got the opportunity to get in touch with MBS alumnus Jan Hildebrand. Jan is a dedicated expert for digital marketing at a leading international consultancy company and provided the students with […]

MBS Consulting & Banking Day

November 19, 2015

At the MBS Consulting & Banking Day, our students got the opportunity to gain in-depth insights into the banking business and to get in touch with representatives of KPMG, Donner & Reuschel and BayernLB.

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