The Economic Secret of the Decorated Christmas Tree

December 18, 2024

Imagine strolling through the city center during Advent. The air is filled with the scent of mulled wine and roasted almonds, strings of lights illuminate the streets – and in the middle of the market […]

Jesus Improvement at Easter

March 22, 2024

Like in every discipline, there are also jokes about or inside economics that are not entirely comprehensible to outsiders. One of them is the question: “We all know what a Pareto improvement is. So, what […]

Why does Santa not bring us presents?

December 19, 2023

With the help of game theory, Dr. Florian Bartholomae, Professor of Economics at Munich Business School, explains why it is difficult from an economic perspective to deal with Santa and the presents. Every year at […]

Young Entrepreneurs Succeed (YES!) Workshop in Bologna

July 11, 2023

On May 25 and 26, Microfinanza, leading partner in the Young Entrepreneurs Succeed (YES!) project, organized the sixth YES! workshop in Bologna. YES! workshop in Bologna highlights new project perspectives through regional networking Katia Raguzzoni […]

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