Potpourri of Home Office Impressions
In the past few weeks we have received many voices about how to deal with the Corona crisis, home office, studying from home and online teaching. In a colorful potpourri we present the experiences and […]
In the past few weeks we have received many voices about how to deal with the Corona crisis, home office, studying from home and online teaching. In a colorful potpourri we present the experiences and […]
Heike Anne Dietzel teaches “Presentation Skills” in the Bachelor program in International Business at Munich Business School. In the interview, she explains how the switch to online teaching has affected her course. MBS Marketing: When […]
It was tradition, ritual and habit. Now we say goodbye to the handshake to keep distance and avoid infection. It turns out we need a reliable alternative. Especially in the office and on official occasions. […]
The Bachelor International Business at Munich Business School (MBS) will start in the fall semester 2020 with an optimized curriculum. In the interview, the academic directors Prof. Dr. Patricia Kraft (1st-3rd semester) and Prof. Dr. […]
The CHE University Ranking published this week attests Munich Business School (MBS) a very good personal support of its students as well as a high degree of internationality and practical orientation of its study programs. […]
In the last blog we looked at some of the basic building blocks for creating a level of fun while being stuck in a lockdown – essentially gamification with a purpose (learning, health, fitness, saneness, […]
The MBS family is a big-one: Spread all over the world, diverse at a maximum, and most importantly: Always caring. Over the last five weeks, the Courage Center at Munich Business School has provided family […]
What challenges and changes does the format of online teaching actually entail for professors? In the interview, MBS Vice Deans Prof. Dr. Patrica Kraft and Prof. Dr. Heiko Seif report on their experiences and look […]
One week at home with the family is fairly easy for everyone, going beyond that creates challenges. These challenges can take the form of not only children climbing the walls due to pent up energy, […]
In the midst of the Corona crisis, the European Central Bank recently announced that it would further expand its expansive monetary policy course, raising fears among many investors and analysts that the euro will suffer […]
How the Corona crisis can be turned into an opportunity for digitalization and executive education programs. In the wake of the lockdown caused by the coronavirus epidemic the attempts to work digitally from home and […]
Whenever COVID-19 is mentioned, it is said that viral infections spread exponentially. Specifically, this means that the number of people infected doubles in each period of time. The reason for this is that one person […]
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