Presentation Skills Online

May 11, 2020

Heike Anne Dietzel teaches “Presentation Skills” in the Bachelor program in International Business at Munich Business School. In the interview, she explains how the switch to online teaching has affected her course. MBS Marketing: When […]

Bachelor International Business in a New Look

May 7, 2020

The Bachelor International Business at Munich Business School (MBS) will start in the fall semester 2020 with an optimized curriculum. In the interview, the academic directors Prof. Dr. Patricia Kraft (1st-3rd semester) and Prof. Dr. […]

Gamification Basics in a Lockdown Part Two

May 5, 2020

In the last blog we looked at some of the basic building blocks for creating a level of fun while being stuck in a lockdown – essentially gamification with a purpose (learning, health, fitness, saneness, […]

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