Our Bachelor International Business program integrates comprehensive basic knowledge with a wide array of topical and international specialization options – laying the groundwork for a career in the global economy. Integrated semesters abroad and practical training terms complete the made-to-measure program.
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Increasingly complex economic relationships, greater use of technology, and higher customer demands mean that supply chain management positions are developing into real jobs of the future. But what exactly does a supply chain manager do? In […]
Controlling is a classic career choice after graduating with a degree in business. But what exactly does a controller do? In this article, we provide extensive insights into the job profile of a controller – from […]
Covering the costs of university tuition is often far from straightforward for young people, who are more likely to have little income of their own. In this article, we provide an overview of potential ways […]
At Munich Business School, we place a strong emphasis on mentoring. There are numerous cross-course mentoring programs at MBS – and our university’s Chancellor wrote her doctoral thesis on the topic. We met with Dr. Christine […]
Christmas is linked to costs. But how high are they exactly? Dr. Florian Bartholomae, Professor of Economics at Munich Business School, examines the topic from an economic perspective. Certainly, everyone will answer this general question […]
Anyone studying in Germany is sure to have come across the term Werkstudent, or “working student”. But what exactly is a working student? What criteria do you have to meet to qualify as a working […]
Our brain needs a constant supply of energy – but especially in times of intense studying and exam taking. So what should we eat to help maximize our brain power? Which foods are the right […]
The Munich housing market is expensive and characterized by fierce competition. However, finding a student apartment in the popular city of Munich is certainly not impossible, as this article will illustrate. We’ve gathered a host […]
Business administration (Betriebswirtschaftslehre, commonly known by the abbreviation BWL) is the most popular course of study in Germany. But what career prospects and salaries await new business graduates? In this article, we’ll cover everything you […]
Business administration (Betriebswirtschaftslehre, commonly known by the abbreviation BWL) is the most popular course of study in Germany. But what career prospects await graduates with a business degree? In this article, we set out everything […]
In this interview series, we introduce MBS lecturers on a regular basis, give an insight into their research projects and explain how corporate practice and students benefit from these. Today it’s the turn of the […]
What are the consequences of the Green Asset Ratio for EU banks? And where does the introduction of this ratio originate from? MBS Professor Dr. Johannes Hofinger has some interesting answers! Things are getting serious. […]