Our Bachelor International Business program integrates comprehensive basic knowledge with a wide array of topical and international specialization options – laying the groundwork for a career in the global economy. Integrated semesters abroad and practical training terms complete the made-to-measure program.
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The graduates of Munich Business School are highly valued young professionals on the job market. This is confirmed by the WirtschaftsWoche University Ranking 2021, in which MBS ranks third in the category of German universities […]
Global-mindedness and treating others with respect have always been central values of Munich Business School. Until now, these values have primarily served to address and communicate with our target audience: our students. However, by signing […]
Nadja Donderer, a student in the International Business Bachelor’s program at Munich Business School, spent her semester abroad in spring 2021 at International School of Business (ISB) in Dublin – due to the COVID-19 pandemic, […]
In mid-April, the MBS Explorer Days: Creativity & Expression, an initiative introduced in 2020 as part of improvements to the bachelor’s program in International Business , celebrated their premiere. The Bachelor’s students were invited to […]
Munich Business School is the first German university to switch completely to the sustainable search engine Ecosia. By installing Ecosia as the default search engine on all computers at the business school, the university will […]
In mid-April, Prof. Dr. Silke Heimes took interested students, lecturers and employees of Munich Business School on a journey into the methods of poetry and writing therapy and revealed exciting insights into their effects. “What […]
Munich Business School celebrates its 30th anniversary this year with a wide range of online events. The central element of the anniversary activities are public speaker events with company representatives from Bosch, Telefónica, Microsoft and […]
From March 16 to 18, 2021, Munich Business School (MBS), together with two partner universities from Canada and Hungary, organized an International Week on the topic of “Responsibility in Business” in an online format. The […]
“That was the best event of my studies!” That was the reaction of several participants after we welcomed Volkswagen’s Mr. Elektro, Thomas Ulbrich, to give a guest lecture on e-mobility at Munich Business School. The […]
Why Belarus, anyway? Perhaps that’s what the more than 120 students who logged on online on March 17 for our talk with our guest from Belarus had been wondering: Dr. Volha Hapeyeva, writer, poet, linguist […]
In this year’s spring term, MBS students had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of online marketing in two virtual workshops with the Google Zukunftswerkstatt. In the two 90-minute sessions, trainer Anne Schubert delved deeper into […]
What does an investment manager actually do and how do you find the right investment for an institutional client? Answers to these questions were given last Friday, March 19, 2021, in a guest lecture with […]